Title: Is Snoring Bad For Your Health
1Is Snoring Bad For Your Health
1.What Are The Causes Of Snoring ? 2. Is Snoring
Really Harmful To Your Health? 3. Health Risks Of
Snoring 4.Whether You Need Snoring Treatment Or
Not? 5.Choosing The Right Snoring
Treatment 6.About Us
3What Are The Causes Of Snoring?
- Age
- Weight
- Alcohol Smoking Consumption
- Sinus Infections
- Sleep Posture
4Is Snoring Really Harmful To Your Health?
Some of the causes of snoring and their effects
are relatively benign and can easily be treated
by simple changes in your lifestyle. However,
snoring can also be a red flag of a serious
health issue i.e. Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Click
here to know how you can treat Sleep Apnea.
5Health Risks Of Snoring
- Heart Stroke
- Daytime Drowsiness
- Long Breathing Interruptions
- Depression
- Light Sleeping
6Heart Stroke
Sleep Apnea often results in high blood
pressure, which lead to an increase in heart size
that put you at higher risk for heart attacks and
7Daytime Drowsiness
Sleep Apnea often causes frequent waking from
sleep, even though you may not realize it. This
leads to daytime drowsiness and interfere with
your quality of life.
8Long Breathing Interruptions
One of the most common health effects of sleep
apnea is frequent interruptions of breathing. If
interruption lasts more than 10 seconds and is
frequent throughout the night then it can lead to
waking from sleep.
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that can lead to
insomnia, fatigue, and headaches, which can
affect your day-to-day life thus can cause
10Light Sleeping
People who are suffering with obstructive sleep
apnea might sleep lightly as their body tries to
keep their throat muscles tense enough to
maintain airflow.
11Whether You Need Snoring Treatment or Not?
Whether you need snoring treatment or not it
depends upon what kind of snorer you are. If you
are a light snorer then simple remedies can work
for you but, if you are a habitual snorer then
you need to treat the snoring problem to avoid
any other health issues.
12Choosing The Right Snoring Treatment
When your snoring problem is diagnosed then the
next step is to choose the right snoring
treatment for you. There are many type of snoring
devices available in the market these days like a
sleep apnea mouthpiece and many other. You should
choose most suitable one as per your requirement.
13About Us- Quit Snoring Solutions
Since 1970 we are providing specialized
engineering services to customers all over the
New Zealand. Our tongue retaining device for
snoring is different from other snoring products
in the market. Our snoring solutions will help
improve your general health and will give you a
great nights sleep! If you want to know how it
works click here
14Contact Us
0800 255 446