Title: Why Does Lack of Sleep Affect Your Heart Rate?
1Why Does Lack of Sleep Affect Your Heart Rate?
It will not be a surprise if I tell you that
heart is the most important organ of our body. It
is responsible for pumping the blood in your
body and it powers the circulatory system. Which
means, it is the heart which makes sure that
body is getting all the oxygen and tissues it
needs. Now you must be thinking that you were
looking for natural latex mattress and Pocket
Spring Latex Mattress but you landed on this
page which tells you the importance of heart,
but, before going back, you need to understand
that most of the heart problems are related to
sleeping and sleeping is related to the
mattress. Today, we will talk about how sleeping
affects your heart and how Pocket Spring Latex
Mattress and natural latex mattress will help you
in getting a good sleep and eventually, a healthy
heart. How a bad sleep affects your hearts
health? Unfortunately, heart problems are a
leading cause worldwide illness and deaths.
Researches are conducted on this sector and it
has been found that more than 20 deaths
worldwide are caused by heart problems every
year other major factors are serious illness,
accidents, fire and unnatural deaths. A bad
sleep is a nightmare for the cardiovascular
system. A little or insufficient sleep can cause
the problems like blood pressure, heart attacks,
heightened risks of heart disease, diabetes and
stroke. So, getting a good sleep can prevent
these problems in future and people who are
already suffering from these diseases, can adopt
a healthy lifestyle by getting a good sleep with
the help of different mattress available in the
market as per your need such as natural latex
mattress and Pocket Spring Latex Mattress.
2Researches shows the evidences that a bad, little
or fragmented sleep have negative effects on your
body. Sleeping is the time when your body
recuperates. During sleeping, your breath
stabilizes, heart rate slows down and blood
pressure drops. All these things reduce the
pressure and stress on the heart and allow it to
recover. Without a sufficient night sleep, a
person does not spend time in the deep stages of
non-rapid eye movement (NREM), which is
beneficial for body. Apart from that, during
normal and healthy sleep, blood pressure drops
by around 10-20 percent. This is known as
nocturnal dipping, and research highlights it is
healthy for cardiovascular system. Heart problems
an individual can face due to lack of
sleep Coronary Heart Disease It is one of the
leading heart diseases in United States. It is
also known as the coronary artery disease and it
happens due to the artery plaque build-up. It
hardens the arteries and narrows it down to a
condition known as atherosclerosis. In this,
heart loses its ability to get enough blood and
oxygen as per the needs of body. Research has
identified that lack of sleep highly contributes
in atherosclerosis. Poor sleep triggers chronic
inflammation and as a consequence of
inflammation, plaque forms which involves white
blood cells and hardens the arteries. Heart
Failure Heart pumps the blood in whole body and
heart failure means heart is not working
properly. Heart fails when the heart does not
pump enough blood in the body to supply the
oxygen which then result in non-functional
organs, limbs and tissues. A study has found that
4,00,000 people found the direct connections
between bad sleep and heart failure. People who
sleep less than 7 hours per day, are on a high
risk of heart failure. Mostly heart failure has
been seen in people who are suffering from
insomnia or unhealthy sleeping habits such as
snoring, daytime or evening time sleeping. If a
person shows the signs of unhealthy sleepiness,
he/she is on high risk of heart failure. Heart
Attacks - Myocardial Infarction, also commonly
known as heart attack, happens when blood flow
in heart stops or gets blocked. Heart attacks may
be fatal because its a serious condition where
the heart does not get enough blood. Lack of
sleep or fragmented sleep can increase the risk
of heart disease. People who sleep less than 6
hours a day, are ate 20 percent higher risk of
heart attacks than others. Sleeping gives heart
time to recover and slow down, and in 6 hours of
sleep, heart loses all the stress and function
as new next morning. As you have seen, what are
the consequences of poor sleep, now lets find
out how Pocket Spring Latex Mattress and natural
latex mattress can help you in getting good sleep
and a better heart health. Pocket Spring Latex
Mattress - A right pad will build all the
distinctions between a sound sleep and a
sleepless night. A decent pad offers an ideal
balance of needed comfort and support, keeping
the natural spinal alignment and body posture in
situ, try our Pocket Spring Latex Mattress to
enhance the standard of Sleep.
3A National Sleep Foundation survey finds that 92
of individuals say a snug pad is very important
to a decent nights sleep. However, still folks
feel that purchasing a pad is a chic affair.
Considering the health edges that it offers like
assisting you to turn, improving your memory, and
living longer, are you able to extremely place a
tag on a mattress? The groups of people square
measure acquainted with sleep on a firm surface
driven by the dogma that a firm surface ensures
ideal back support. However, the reality is that
a perfect sleeping surface ought to be an ideal
mix of comfort and support distinctive to each
individuals body build and sleeping
preferences. Typically, consumers get a
pad-supported word of mouth. However, word of
assurance offers peace of mind, but not peace to
the spine. Pocket Spring Latex Mattress improves
sleeping surface and affects body posture and
sleep quality. Natural Latex Mattress - If the
pad is crucial for permanent sleep, that pad
ought to shopper like better to buy. As
everybody is aware innerspring mattresses square
measure the foremost common kind sold-out,
however, the trend is moving toward, Natural
Latex Mattress beds having memory foam and
alternative advanced materials. In India, fibre
pads and plutonium foam are additionally
well-liked. According to the Director of Sleep,
Robert Oexman D.C., the phrase good mattress is
subjective. In line with him, the simplest pad
for you is the one that feels right for you. He
advises that to really choose what feels right,
you may need to require a 20-minute pad to take a
look at the bedding storereplicating the
maximum amount as potential however you always
sleep at your own nest with Natural Latex