Title: A Brief Brief Biography Of Dr Manish Suthar Md
1A Brief Brief Biography Of Dr Manish Suthar Md
2About Dr Manish Suthar MD Manish Suthar spent
his childhood growing up in the north county
region of St. Louis. He began his journey into
the medical field as a Medical student at the
University of Missouris School of Medicine in
Columbia. Manish Suthar graduated from
Pattonville High school, and went to college at
Washington University in St. Louis.
3Medical Journey Manish Suthar graduated from
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri in
1988. After Washington University, he attended
Medical school at the University of Missouri
School of Medicine. His postgraduate training
took place at St. Marys Health Centre and the
University of Texas South western Medical School.
Dr. Suthars residency was at Parkland Memorial
Hospital in Dallas, with a focus on physical
medicine and rehabilitation. He was chief
resident there from 1996 to 1997.
4Professional Journey Doctor Manish Suthar MD,
began his medical career as an attending
physician in physical medicine at the Texas Back
Institute, where he served as the Director of
Chronic Pain Program, Director of Osteoporosis
Program, and the PMR Director. After leaving
the Texas Back Institute, he moved back to
Missouri and worked at the Missouri Bone Joint
Center for a little over two years. While he
worked there, he held many of the same roles that
he occupied at the Texas Back Institute. In May
of 2003, Dr. Manish Suthar moved to the Pain
Prevention Center. He worked there for 14 years
as the Medical Director of St. Louis Physical
Therapy. Last year, he began the job he currently
holds at the Pain Prevention Rehabilitation
Center. There, he is the Medical Director of St.
Louis Physical Therapy and the Missouri Commons
Ambulatory Center.
5Specialisations As a board certified Medical
Doctor (MD), Doctor Manish Suthar is a specialist
in spinal evaluation, pain management, and the
rehabilitation of orthopedic problems. He also
has extensive experience treating arthritis and
sports medicine. Doctor Suthar has comprehensive
experience in diagnosing and managing all forms
of pain syndrome. As an esteemed member of a
number of medical organizations, he actively
participates in lectures and discussions to
further the depth of knowledge in his field.
6Awards and Honers Doctor Manish Suthar has been
recognized for achievement during and after
Medical school. He was given the title of Chief
Resident at The University of Texas Southwestern
in January 1996. Prior to that he had received
the prestigious achievement of the Howard A. Rusk
Memorial Award, as a testament to his dedication
to the field of rehabilitative medicine.
7- Professional Affiliations
- Over his years as a medical professional, Dr.
Suthar has been involved in a large number of
organizations and foundations. The wide span of
his experience has given him an even better
rounded knowledge of the medical world. Some of
his affiliations include - North American Spine Society
- American Academy of Physical Medicine
Rehabilitation - PASSOR
- Missouri State Medical Association
- St. Louis Medical Association
8Personal Goals One of Dr. Manish Suthars
personal goals is to strengthen his relationship
with God. He spends time reading and studing
spiritual books. He also wants to give back to
the community by being more involvement . At some
point, he wants to travel to other countries and
volunteer his medical skills to those in need. He
hopes to travel to Australia, or go on an African
safari. As always, he also wants to continue
being a better father and husband for his family.
9Professional Goals Though Dr. Suthar has
achieved many of his career goals at this point
in his profession, there are still some
aspirations that he wants to focus on for the
remainder of his career. He wants to treat all of
his patients with respect, showing them
compassion, listening to them, and providing
truthful and high-quality care. He also aspires
to be the best in his field.
10Contact Website http//www.painprevent.com Fac