Title: Rosanne Hanley
1Rosanne Hanley
- An inspirational soul looking to raise money for
2About Rosanne Hanley
- Rosanne Hanley is a social activist who is
looking forward to the summer months as she is
planning to host a volleyball tournament on the
beach in order to raise money for charity. - Rosanne Hanley has been caring and helping since
his childhood. Many a times she has organized
charity event that raise money for needy people.
3Rosanne Hanley
4Excellent Lady
- Rosanne Hanley is an intelligent lady who knows
her work very well be it any event she knows
when and where to execute it, which is why her
events are successful.
5Rossane Hanley has been started a volleyball
tournament conducted at the beach because she
knows that people spend their time on the beach
and definitely they will watch the tournament.
This idea proved herself .
6- The competitions are open to all age groups and
the matches are conducted for different age
7Rosanne has even taken the initiative to teach
the fitness classes thatll help the people to
have some fun with their children and even get in
8 Rosanne has even taken the initiative to teach
the fitness classes thatll help the
people to have some fun with their children and
even get in shape.
9The funding from these events will benefit the
local charity and also helps the new artist to
gain attention.
10(No Transcript)