Title: Anime Coin (ANIM)
- Announcing the Proposed Re-launch of AnimeCoin
2About Us
We aim to be the most fair, transparent, secure,
decentralized, and honest mastercoin on the
crypto market. We will do this while specifically
appealing to the anime community with exciting
features, creating an immediate use-case for the
new ANIM coins. This use case is the ability to
issue "provably rare" anime-related digital
images on the blockhain that can then be traded
on a decentralized exchange in return for ANIM
3ANIM Proposal/Roadmap
The following measures are being taken to ensure
a provably fair and transparent initial coin
distribution a secure and non-scammy incentive
structure for ANIM netwrok.
4Measures for a provably fait transparent Coin
1) ZERO pre-mine developers will start mining at
the exact same time as everyone else, on a date
that will be pre-announced publicly (tentatively
on the coin distribution date soon after the
snapshot). 2) ZERO development/treasury fund the
development and promotion of ANIM is being fund
on a 100 voluntary basis by the community and
the developer group. 3) 100 of the initial coin
distribution will go to existing owners of ANI
and to owners of MEME.
5Measures for a secure and non-scammy incentive
structure for the ANIM network
1) The ANIM coin emission schedule will roughly
look like Bitcoin's a maximum of 21mm coins will
ever exist. 2) ANIM will launch with an initial
coin distribution of 50 of the maximum number of
coins, or 10.5 million this is analogous to
where Bitcoin was on 12/14/2011 (Source
https//en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Controlled_supply) 3)
Unlike all other existing masternode coins, ANIM
will give owners of masternodes just 5 of the
block reward.
64) Because there will be no treasury/development
fund, the other 95 of the block rewards goes to
the miners, as it should since they are the ones
making the network secure by investing work
(electricity). 5) Waifu assets will be required
to be original/unique to a given anime character,
and will be assigned in a decentralized way
(through conensus of other masternodes) to ANIM
masternode owners on a transparent and fair
"first-come, first-serve" basis. 6) Instead of
the hash function used by MEME (X11, similar to
DASH), which is theoretically vulnerable to
cryptographic pre-image attacks, ANIM will use
the same peer-reviewed and secure Equihash
algorithm as Z-Cash.
7Our Anime Coin
8How to Reach Us