Title: Psoriasis (1)
1Embarrassed with Psoriasis?Get flawless skin
with Homeopathy !!
PSORIASIS The Tenacious Scourge!
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2Amazing Facts FiguresAbout Psoriasis?
- Millions people suffer from it worldwide
- No Cure or Long-lasting relief in sight
- Not just a skin disease much deeper disorder
- Affects joints causes fluid imbalance or
infections - Psychological effects low self-esteem,
depression, - stress, anxiety, social isolation, etc.
For a complete, permanent, deep-rooted
swift solution to Psoriasis click ltlink for
Meet our Psoriasis expert who has successfully
treated 14000 cases of Psoriasis with Homeopathy
at ltlink to Dr. Sonawane profilegt
4What is Psoriasis ?
- Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder wherein
there is - Too quick growth, maturation death of skin
cells. - Development of thick, white, silvery, or red
patches of skin. - The exact cause of Psoriasis is not known.
- However, it is believed that the immune system
mistakenly triggers speeds up the growth cycle
of skin cells. - This leads to piling up of immature or dead cells
For complete details about Psoriasis click ltlink
for Psoriasisgt
5Development of Psoriasis
6What happens in Psoriasis ?
- Bright red raised patches of skin covered with
loose, silvery scales. - Thick, crusted skin with severe itching
7What happens in Psoriasis ?
- Bleeding spots where the skin has been scratched
or picked. - Patches develop on joints leading to joint
swelling, tenderness and pain.
8What are the triggers of Psoriasis?
- Injury to skin especially recurrent injury
- Excessive exposure to sunlight
- Skin infections esp. Streptococcal infection
- Smoking
- HIV infection
9What are the triggers of Psoriasis?
- Alcohol
- Hormonal changes during puberty / menopause
- Excessive emotional / mental stress
- Drugs such as antimalarials, quinidine,
beta-blockers, lithium, etc.
10What can Psoriasis lead to ?
- Added-on bacterial or fungal infections
- Fluid and electrolyte imbalance in severe cases
- Shame, low self-esteem, depression, stress,
anxiety, social isolation, etc.
11What can Psoriasis lead to ?
- Joints swelling, tenderness, pain in psoriatic
affections of joints - Increased risk for hypertension, cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, certain cancers, etc.
To avoid these dreadful complications click ltlink
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12Homeopathic Approach
- Homeopathic approach is
- holistic
- patient friendly
- deep rooted
- permanent
- gentle
- swift much more
- Focus is on building up your disease resisting /
fighting capacity
13Homeopathic Approach
- Medicines are customized to suit unique condition
of each individual patient. - No known side effects, when prescribed correctly,
- Safe for all age groups from newborns to
centurions - Safe during pregnancy or breastfeeding
14Role of Homeopathy in Psoriasis
- It targets the autoimmune aspect (root cause)
of Psoriasis, NOT JUST the superficial skin
symptoms. - The aim is to bring back on track the immune
system that has deviated off course.
15Role of Homeopathy in Psoriasis
- It also greatly reduces the intensity , frequency
and duration of flare-ups. - It provides the most wholesome, complete and
long-lasting solace from this obstinate ailment.
To get complete details click lthomeopathic
treatment for Psoriasisgt
16Few Amazing Remedies for Psoriasis
- We have 100 highly effective homeopathic
remedies for quick and permanent relief from
Psoriasis - Remedies are chosen on basis of unique
individualizing features of each individual (i.e.
customized for each patient). - Some of the commonly used remedies are
- Mezereum
- Graphitis
- Lycopodium
- Hepar sulph
- Psorinum ..and many more.
17Few Amazing Remedies for Psoriasis
- We have numerous remedies based on different
- parameters such as the causes, intensity,
different - signs symptoms, time of worsening or
improvement - of symptoms, etc. For example
- Psoriasis alternates with asthma Sulph
- Psoriasis eruptions better in winter Carbo
animalis - Psoriasis eruptions better by warm bathing
Anacardium - Psoriasis with copper colored eruptions Kali
bichromicum - Psoriasis eruptions worse in spring Psorinum
- Psoriasis with severe itching worse from 4 to 8
pm Lycopodium - Thus, you can see the fine differentiation of
symptoms and remedies that is unique to Homeopathy
18Few Amazing Remedies for Psoriasis
- Mezereum
- Psoriasis from ill effects of vaccination
- Intolerable itching with watery discharge
- Worse in bed and from touch
- Person is angry over trivial things but is soon
sorry for it
19Few Amazing Remedies for Psoriasis
- Graphitis
- Psoriasis with unhealthy skin with tendency to
pus formation - Eruptions upon ears, between fingers and toes
- Discharge of watery, transparent, sticky fluid,
gum-like - Person is excessively cautious, timid, hesitant
and indecisive
20Few Amazing Remedies for Psoriasis
- Lycopodium
- Skin is thick, indurated and bleeds easily
- Fissured skin with violent itching
- Discharges are thick offensive
- All symptoms worse between 4 8 p.m.
- Person is sad, afraid to be alone with confusion
weak memory
To get complete details click lthomeopathic
treatment for Psoriasisgt
21Benefits of Health Portalwww.welcomecure.com
- Save your precious time, efforts, and finances in
physically visiting your doctor - Avail services of globally acclaimed doctors from
our high-powered panel - Gain health in comfort convenience of your home
- Avail round-the-clock 24x7 medical services
22Benefits of Health Portalwww.welcomecure.com
- Online payment with easy and secure payment
options - Medicines at your doorstep
- Anytime, anywhere access to your medical records
- Add-on features such as
- clinical tips
- health tips
- dos donts
- nutrition tips
- health calculators
- health reminders, etc
- to enrich your experience
To get maximum benefits click ltregistration linkgt
- Use moisturizer Unmedicated moisturized after
bath - Use Sunscreen Broad-spectrum sunscreen outdoors
- Eat a healthy diet Balanced nutritious diet
- Keep a food diary Observe effect of foods on
symptoms - Cover the affected areas overnight
- Expose your skin to small amounts of sunlight but
avoid over-exposure
- Do not skip your daily bath Bathing daily helps
remove scales and calm inflamed skin - Avoid psoriasis triggers, if possible Find out
the triggers and avoid them as far as possible - Avoid drinking alcohol
- Avoid very hot water and harsh soaps They can
damage the skin and aggravate the Psoriasis
25Dietary Tips
- Include the following
- A balanced healthy diet to maintain healthy
weight - Drink plenty of water.
- Eat fresh, raw fruits vegetables
- Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids
- Foods rich in vitamin A and zinc
- Basil leaves (tulsi) are also known to be helpful
26Dietary Tips
- Avoid the following
- Food rich in omega 6 fatty acids
- Red meat and dairy products.
- Junk food with high levels of saturated fats,
trans fats. - Refined sugars and starch
- Citrus fruits
- Gluten-rich foods like rye, wheat, barley
- Spices such as cinnamon, pimento, mayo, paprika,
27Case of Psoriasis resolvedwith Homeopathic
- A 26-year-old homemaker presented with psoriatic
patches on her neck, breasts knees for a few
years. - Her important symptoms in brief were
- Thick, gelatin-like, white flakes falling off
from scalp, behind ears and under breasts. - History of malaria - 6 episodes in 10 years
- Homeopathic Approach (Individualization )
- Strong craving for salt would add extra salt
to food and even lick it off her hand. - Strong desire for spicy food
28Case of Psoriasis resolvedwith Homeopathic
- Marked aversion to sweets
- Very emotional person would cry easily.
- However, she did not like to be consoled.
- Consolation irritated her.
- Treatment given results obtained
- She was prescribed Natrum muriaticum.
- Psoriatic patches started getting smaller in size
- They were replaced by normal healthy skin.
- Within 6 months, not a single psoriatic patch
remained. -
29Case of Psoriasis resolvedwith Homeopathic
- She enjoyed much better state of health.
- She became emotionally stronger.
- She could handle her emotions in a healthier way.
- No recurrence of malaria since then (16 years)
- Brief Summary
- 1) She was not only freed from her Psoriasis, but
also developed a stronger immune system that
prevented malarial relapses. - 2) Most importantly, she was emotionally at peace
and enjoyed her life better.
Check out 100s of such successfully treated cases
_at_ ltlink for casesgt
30Case of Psoriasis resolvedwith Homeopathic
Homeopathy Heals from Within, To Enhance Enrich
the Quality Of Life
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Protecting Enhancing Your Health, Always..
- For additional information about Psoriasis and
its effective homeopathic management visit ltlinkgt
at www.welcomecure.com - At welcomecure we have top-of-the-line
homeopathic experts with decades of rich clinical
experience on successful management of a wide
range of disease conditions such as Psoriasis. - Register to get maximum benefit at ltlink for reggt