Title: How to backup your Raspberry Pi
1How to Backup Raspberry Pi SD Card and more
--- Based on the article - How to Backup your
Raspberry Pi SD Card ---
- You will need the backup for your Raspberry Pi
device(s) due to - Technical issues (overheating, errors, energy
supply issues, cable connection failure, etc.)
that can occur and crush the memory - Occasional deleting or damaging your project
files with your own hands - Intention to re-start all the work anew
- Intention to duplicate the whole file system
2Backup a Raspberry Pi SD CardVariant 1. Using
- Insert the SD card into your Linux device slot
- Open up a command line
- Fulfill the command
dd if/dev/sdx of/path/to/image bs1M
3Backup a Raspberry Pi SD CardVariant 2. Using Mac
- Insert the SD card into your Mac device slot
- Open up a command line
- Fulfill the command
dd if/dev/rdiskx of/path/to/image bs1M
4Backup a Raspberry Pi SD CardVariant 3. Using
- Download Win32DiskImager from the SourceForge
- Safely remove your SD card from the RPi and
insert it into your PC slot - Open Win32 Disk Imager
- Choose the name and location of the backup file
and the letter for your SD card - Click Read
5Backup Raspberry Pi with CrashPlan
You will need ExaGear Desktop emulator to set up
CrashPlan client on your Raspberry Pi device. So,
just follow the steps below
5. Download the Linux Crashplan archive from
their official website. https//www.crashplan.co
m/en-us/download/ 6. Unpack the CrashPlan
archive cd /home/pi/Downloads tar -xvzpf
CrashPlan_4.8.2_Linux.tgz 5. Install CrashPlan on
the x86 guest system cd /home/pi/Downloads/cras
hplan-install sudo ./install.sh 8. Follow the
installation manager and then make up an auto
start sudo service crashplan start
2gt/dev/null sudo update-rc.d crashplan enable
1. Download, unpack and install ExaGear Desktop
emulator cd home/pi/Downloads tar -xvzpf
exagear-desktop-rpi.tar.gz sudo
./install-exagear.sh 2. Start the guest x86
system exagear 3. Update the guest system
sudo apt-get update 4. Download the libraries
necessary for CrashPlan sudo apt-get install
lxrandr libgtk2.0-0 libXtst6 cpio
Now, you can run CrashPlan with the following
command /usr/local/bin/CrashPlanDesktop
6Backup Raspberry Pi with Dropbox
You will also need the ExaGear Desktop emulator
to set up Dropbox on RPi device in this case.
1. Download, unpack and install ExaGear Desktop
emulator cd home/pi/Downloads tar -xvzpf
exagear-desktop-rpi.tar.gz sudo
./install-exagear.sh 2. Start the guest x86
environment exagear 3. Update the guest
system sudo apt-get update 4. Install
necessary libraries for Dropbox sudo apt-get
install wget libxslt-dev libxxf86vm-dev xcb
5. Download Dropbox 32-bit Debian archive
wget linux.dropbox.com/packages/debian/dropbox_201
5.10.28_i386.deb 6. Unpack Dropbox and launch the
installation sudo dpkg -i dropbox_2015.10.28_
i386.deb sudo apt-get install -f 7. Now, you
can run Dropbox directly from the menu