Title: Fred Layman Tennis (2)
1Two Experts in Fundraising combine for a great
Mobile Solution for Jeffco Public Schools.
2iBuddy Club Inc. (Building Up Dreams and
Developing Youth)Â introduces a pioneering
mobileexperience that allows fundraisers to
achieve new levels of success, communication,
awareness, andimmediacy for their audiences.
3After years of professional experience in
marketing, development, and the athletic club
industry, Fred Layman found a way to merge his
passion for community service with his business
4By pioneering a fundraising technology that
defies previous methods, into astate of the art
Proprietary Mobile Application, iBC, Inc. helps
community organizationsmaximize technology, and
social media as a fundraising tool.Weve built
the smartest, most aware, precise, easy to use,
scalable, secure and powerfulfundraising
platform on the planet. Our technology leverages
all the unique about mobile as achannel, and
that lights the spark to create meaningful and
valuable mobile experiences for the fundraisers
5(No Transcript)
6Taking the inventory and financial
responsibilities out of the hands of the coach,
teacher, pastor, volunteer, student, parents.
7This Mobile Fundraising technology creates a
space that includes In-App Campaigning
components. iBC mobile not only iConnects and
brands the fundraiser to the community of donors,
fundraisers and businesses, this remarkable
platform thanks them,Â
8Contact us
Fred Layman
(803) 514-6579