Title: Tennis Court Construction San Diego
1Sport Court Construction San Diego
Our team of highly trained professionals have
years of experience and are specialists in the
design, build and maintenance of outdoor sports
2Tennis Court Construction San Diego
Taylor Tennis Courts are Southern California
tennis court maintenance and installation
specialists in San Diego and Los Angeles.
Sporting facilities specialists.
Contact us - 800-558-3664
3Multi-Use Sport Game Court Construction
Taylor Tennis Courts specializes in tennis court
construction, design and resurfacing and the
construction of grass and synthetic sports fields
and playgrounds.
4Basketball Court Construction San Diego
If youre a basketball enthusiast, building an
outdoor basketball court can be a dream come
true. But if youre not careful about your
budget, it can also be a nightmare. Understanding
what costs go into your basketball court can help
you create a budget you can afford.
5Tennis Court Construction Southern California
Looking for a professional Tennis and Basketball
Court Construction company in Southern
California? Taylor Tennis Courts uses patented
technology to construct the most durable and
longest-lasting tennis courts, running tracks,
and multipurpose courts available.
6Jim Taylor Taylor Tennis Courts 1250 N La Loma
Cir, Anaheim, CA 92806, USA
Contact us - 800-558-3664