Title: Different Ways to Communicate Online
17 Different Ways to Communicate Online What are
the different ways to communicate online? This is
one of the questions our readers have been asking
for answers since the start of this year. To
answer this question, we are going to reveal some
of the top ways many individuals and
organizations are using in this digital age.
Before then, let us first understand what online
communication is. (htt ps/ /w ww .eztalk s.c
om/) Online communication is a kind of
communication between organization or individuals
at starts and ends on the Internet. Basically, it
is how people pass information over the Internet
through a network of computers. Below are some of
the 7 different ways to communicate online. Way
1. Email Email is one of the digital ways of
sending letters. It works almost the same as a
traditional post office mail in that information
is sent by one person in one location and
received by another person in a different
location. You must have an email account in order
to send or receive these web based text messages.
Besides text messages, you can also attach others
files such as images and documents. The messages
reaches the intended recipient almost instantly.
If you are the sender, you must have the correct
email from the recipient. Way 2. Video
Conferencing The second way to communicate online
vividly and intuitively is via video
conferencing. To make it, you just need a
professional and noteworthy video conferencing
solution - ezTalks Meetings. It is often used to
hold video conferences and improve online
communication with clients, colleagues, students
and partners in various geographical locations
across the world. Some of the things that makes
ezTalks Meetings stands out includes Super HD
audio and video quality, quick access to
meetings, easy sc reen sharing and annotation,
interactive whiteboard, ability to sc hedule
online meetings, cross-platform text messaging,
recording of meetings and many other useful
features. This video conferencing solution is
tailored for new businesses, small business and
large companies that want to simplify remote
collaborations. Way 3. Social Networks Another
way to communicate online is through social
networks. These platforms allows members to
connect with their friends and make new friends
from across the world. They also allow members to
share with their friends, followers or connects
within the platform. To get started, you must
register and complete your profile. Once you are
done, you can view other users you want to become
friends or communicate with. Some of the most
popular social networks you can sign up for free
and start communicating include Facebook, My
Space, Twitter, and Instagram, and others.
2Way 4. Audio Conferencing Apart from the above
three ways of communicating online, you can also
use audio conferencing to communicate online with
your family members, friends, business partners
and students. Basically, it is a connection
between two computers equipped with speakers and
microphones. Participants use either an audio
conferencing application such as Skype or an
insta nt messa ging so ftware to communicate with
each other. The microphone picks the audio
message from one user and pass it through a
computer to the other user almost instantly. The
message is heard by the recipient through the
speaker. Way 5. Vo IP Voice over Internet
Protocol commonly known as VoIP, is a combination
of software and hardware that enable you to use
the Internet to transmit telephone calls. Rather
than using the public switched telephone network
(PSTN), in VoIP, voice data is transmitted by
using IP. You are given a unique phone number and
an adapter to send or receive the phone calls
through a traditional phone, a VoIP phone or a
computer. One advantage of Voice over Internet
Protocol is that the phone calls do not attract
any surcharge apart from the one you're paying
for Internet access. Way 6. Chat Room Another
way of communicating online is through a chat
room. This is an area on the Internet, typically
communicated to a particular topic, where members
can communicate and share their interests with
others. One member types a message that is
accessed by all members who are online in the
chat room. The member can also see a list of all
members who are online. He or she can also click
on another member, whether online or not, to send
a private message or view his profile. Way 7.
Forums People can also communicate online
through forums. A forum is a type of website that
allow members to post questions, start a
discussion or contribute to various discussions.
Each individual question or discussion is
referred to as a thread. A forum is usually
updated and monitored by the admin or
moderator. These are some of the top ways you
can use to communicate online. To pick the best
way to communicate online from the above options,
first you must know your needs and what you want
to achieve. You also need to understand that just
like all technologies, the way you can
communicate online with other people is
constantly evolving. From https//www.eztalks.c