Organisation and Behaviour - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Organisation and Behaviour


Organisation and Behaviour are based on various aspects of an organisation and different essential factors and based on the structure of an organization. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Organisation and Behaviour

Organisation and Behaviour
Organisation 1
  • Name of the organization Virgin Train
  • Type of structure Line Organizational Structure

  • The different levels of the organization has
    direct and vertical relationship between the
    levels of the organization.
  • The share or the stock of these companies are not
    showed to the public interests. The stocks of
    this organization is not mutual to the general
  • The legal responsibilities which are given to the
    stakeholders of the organizations are extended to
    a certain limitation. The possession of the
    ownership of the company is specified in these

  • The PLCs or the private companies are interested
    to sell and buy their shares or stock in the
    stock exchanges.
  • The limited companies though have same purpose
    as the private cmpanies, have different
    approaches in this subject.
  • The ownerships of the private companies are
    detained by the small Private Companies or the
    PLCs too though they are restricted on the
    liabilities of company.
  • The private companies required to use the
    contraction PLC or Private Limited Company in
    the last of the name of its.
  • In the recent years the companies which are based
    in the UK have the permission to provide the
    share of them to the public. On the basis of the
    amount of the sale and on the value the gradation
    of the companies are done each year.

Characteristics of Virgin Train
  • It is operating within the premises of the UK.
    The company holds the objectives to make the
    journeys faster and greener for providing the
    customers more pleasure of ease by Virgin Trains.
    The company placed Super Voyager train and the
    Pendolino train in the market for speeding up the
    graph of the performance within the market of
    nation and to increase the appreciation of the
  • While operating in the market of UK for 15 years
    the company has gained a lot of knowledge over
    these year by servicing the people of this
    nation. These experiences are useful to the
    company and are used by the company on the growth
    of the strategies of the company for the
    advancement of it and it has been successful in
    introducing itself among successful organisation
    behaviour of the industry of the services of
    train in the grounds of Britain.

Organisation 2
  • Name of the organization The Department of
    Culture, Media and Sport or DCMS
  • Type of the organization structure Divisional
    Organizational Structure

  • On different basis this structure of the
    organization is formed. The function, product,
    geographical territory are the basis of this
  • The governmental superiors control workings of
    the governmental officials. The governmental
    superiors and the governmental officials are
    selected by the government bodies. The
    responsibilities, duties and the roles of the
    governmental officials as well as the departments
    are to concern on serving the general citizen of
    the country or of a certain region of the
    country. The duty of the departments of the
    government is to make improvement in the
    development of the society by developing the
    condition of the people. (Departments, Agencies
    And Public Bodies, 2014)

Characteristics of DCMS
  • The Department of Culture, Media and Sport or
    DCMS which can be taken care on the consideration
    is an active department of UK government. The
    sport and culture in the England and the other
    regions within the UK boundary and also the
    activities and the actions of the media all
    throughout the United Kingdom.
  • The areas relating to the tourism, leisure time
    and the creative industries within the grounds of
    the United Kingdom are in the responsibility of
    this department. Regarding this the department
    has taken up the aims that their main objectives
    are to look after the factors relating to the
    sports ,media, and the cultural activities of the

How line organisational structure is different
than the divisional organizational structure
  • The main difference between the line
    organizational structure and the divisional
    organizational structure that the line
    organizational structure is simple in the format
    and the divisional organizational structure has
    several divisions in the structure. The
    functionalities of these two are also same.

Organisation 3
  • Name of the organization Pastoral Care Trust-St
    Nicholas Care Fund
  • Type of the organization Hybrid Organizational

  • The functional expertise are efficient in this
    structure. It has the alignment of the corporate
    and the divisional goals. It has the flexibility
    and the adaptability in the divisions.
  • Charity is the very vital aspects for every
    society and its people. The charitable agencies
    are the non-profit organizations or NPOs. But on
    the base of the activities of the charitable
    organizations they are different from other NPOs.
  • Any kind of charity is the suggestion to the
    kindheartedness to those people who are suffering
    with the scarcity and are underprivileged. The
    set up of the charitable organization in the UK
    is based on some significant reasons.
  • Though there are differences in particular
    activities of the laws the values of the charity
    remains same across the whole UK. Anticipation
    of the poverty, improving the aspect of the
    education as well as health.

How hybrid organisation different from the
divisional organisation
  • The hybrid organizational structure have certain
    conflicts between the corporate unit and the
    governmental factors. But the divisional
    organization depends on the governmental factors.

How hybrid structure different from the line
  • The structure of the line organization is
    different than the hybrid organization. The
    hybrid organization faces the uncertainty in the
    environment where it operates but in case of the
    line structure organization the environment has
    certainty. The hybrid structure depends on the
    degree of the international functions but the
    line organizational structure is dependent on the
    national factors to operate.

Organisation 3
  • Name of the organization DCMS
  • Where it exists United Kingdom
  • Type of structure Divisional Structure

  • The organization have the process culture.
  • In this culture there are set of rules and
    regulations for the employees. the employees must
    follow these rules and the regulations. This
    culture does not assess any reviews on the
  • Certain ideologies are set in the working
    processes of the employees.
  • This assessment when made on the performance on
    the employees are based on the large scale.

Organisational cuLture 1
  • Name of the organization Case Business School
  • Where it exists London
  • Type of the structure Line Organizational

  • It is dependent on the employees. This culture
    allocate the human resources which are skilled
    and have the ability to welcome farther
    development training and advancement.
  • The organizations having this culture are vary
    conscious on choosing the human resources.
  • This culture adapts the newest technologies and
    the skills .

Organisational culture 2
  • Name of the organization British Airlines
  • Where it exists London
  • Type of the structure Functional Structure

  • This organization holds the normative culture.
    This culture follows strict rules and regulations
    to operate in the industry. This culture upholds
    certain policies and regulations for the
    operations on the activities of the organization.
    The employees must maintain their
    responsibilities and duties to the organizational
    culture. The authority of such organization adapt
    certain object-oriented approaches for motivating
    the employees.

Comparison between the two cultures
  • The academic culture is more simple aspects than
    the normative culture. The normative culture
    operates in more complex areas than the academic
    culture. The employees in the normative culture
    rarely move away from the responsibilities. The
    academic culture tends to provide certain freedom
    to the employees. The normative culture operates
    in a more strict environment than the academic
    culture. As the british Airlines operates in a
    service industry they adapts this culture.

Comparison between the process and academy culture
  • The process and the academy culture has the
    similar impact on the employees. both the culture
    does not operate in any strict environment. The
    academy culture as well a the process culture
    seek certain skills in the employees.
  • But unlike certain academy organizations the
    process culture is not micro managed.

Comparison between process culture and normative
  • Though the normative culture and the process
    culture both set certain rules for the employees
    to follow the rules are not strictly appointed on
    the employees like in normative culture. The
    normative culture is adapted mostly by the profit
    seeking organizations but the process culture
    mostly seen in the governmental organizations.

  • The culture within an organization is based upon
    the shared faith and the believes of the members
    of the organization. The culture sets the view of
    the organization for the operations of it in a
    certain environment. Based upon these views the
    structure of an organization is build up by the
    organization. The strategies of the organization
    are dependent on both culture and structure of
    the organization.

  • Departments, Agencies And Public Bodies. (2014).
    Available at https//
    sations (Accessed on17/11/2015).
  • Dzimbri,L.B(2009).Organization and Management
    Theories An African Focus. Cuvillier Verlag.
  • Oppenheimer, D.M. and Olivola, C.Y. (2011).
    Experimental Approaches to the Study of Charity.
    Psychology Press.
  • Schien, E.H (2010). Organizational Culture and
    Leadership. John Willy Sons. Copyright.

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