The Brain and Behaviour - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Brain and Behaviour


The Brain and Behaviour – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Brain and Behaviour

The Brain and Behaviour
The central nervous system
  • The central nervous system is one of the two
    major divisions of the human nervous system.
  • The central nervous system comprises the brain
    and spinal cord. The spinal cord connects the
    brain and the peripheral nervous system.
  • The peripheral nervous system includes all parts
    of the nervous system that lie outside the brain
    and the spinal cord.

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The Brain
  • It is encased in a hard, protective skull and
    weighs, on average, around 1.5 kg in adults.
  • It has the consistency of firm jelly and is
    covered by a strong plastic like membrane.
  • There is a small gap between the brain and the
    skull, which is filled with fluid.

The Cerebral Cortex
  • The cerebral cortex is the convoluted outer layer
    or covering of the two cerebral hemispheres.
  • The surface area of the cerebral cortex bends and
    folds inwards so that its surface area can fit
    into the limited amount of space available in the
  • If flattened out the cerebral cortex would cover
    about 4 A4 pages.
  • The cerebral cortex is involved with
    information-processing activities such as
    perception, language, learning, memory, thinking,
    problem-solving as well as the planning and
    control of voluntary body movements.

  • Some areas of the cerebral cortex are dedicated
    to specific functions.
  • The areas of the cerebral cortex and their main
    functions can be can be organised into three
    broad categories
  • 1. The various sensory cortex areas which receive
    and process information from our different senses
  • 2. The motor cortex area which receives,
    processes and sends information about voluntary
    body movements
  • 3. Association cortex which integrate sensory,
    motor and other information and are involved in
    the more complex mental abilities, such as
    perceiving, thinking and problem-solving.
  • It is believed that the larger the size of the
    cerebral cortex, the more intelligent the
    organism will be.

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Cerebral Hemispheres
  • The cerebral cortex is described as having two
    halves, called cerebral hemispheres.
  • The cerebral hemispheres are two almost
    symmetrical brain structures that appear to be
    separated by a deep groove (known as the
    longitudinal fissure) running from the front to
    the back of the brain.
  • Although the hemispheres appear to be separated,
    they are connected at several points by strands
    of nerve tissue. The largest and most important
    of these strands is the corpus callosum.
  • The left hemisphere receives information from the
    right side of the body just as the right
    hemisphere receives information from the left
    side of the body.

Remember!! Contralateral Organisation
  • Left hemisphere controls movement on the right
    side of the body.
  • Right hemisphere controls movement on the left
    side of the body.

Corpus Callosum
  • The interaction between the two hemispheres of
    the brain occurs mainly through the corpus
  • The corpus callosum is a strand, or bridge of
    nerve tissue that connects the left and right
    cerebral hemispheres and serves as the main
    communication pathway between them.
  • This means that information can be exchanged
    between the two hemispheres when performing their
    many functions as we think, feel and behave
    throughout everyday life.

Four lobes of the cerebral cortex
  • The cerebral cortex of each hemisphere can be
    divided into four anatomical regions called
    cortical lobes.
  • Cortical lobes are areas of the brain associated
    with different structures and functions. The four
    lobes are named after the bones of the skull that
    cover them.
  • Frontal lobe
  • Parietal lobe
  • Occipital lobe
  • Temporal lobe

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  • The lobes contain areas of the cortex that have
    specialised sensory or motor functions, as well
    as areas of the cortex generally referred to as
    association cortex.
  • The sensory areas of the lobes receive and
    process information from sensory receptors in the

  • The sensory area that receives and processes
    visual information is called the primary visual
    cortex. It is located in the occipital lobe.
  • The sensory area that processes auditory
    information is called the primary auditory cortex
    and is located in the temporal lobe.
  • Sensory information from the skin and from
    skeletal muscles is processed in the
    somatosensory cortex located in the parietal

  • The motor areas receive and process information
    about voluntary body movements that is
    intentional movements such as when you scratch
    your nose.
  • There is only one primary motor area in the
    brain. This is called the primary motor cortex
    and is located in the frontal lobe.

  • The association areas of each lobe integrate
    information from different brain areas and are
    mainly involved in complex cognitive processes
    such as perceiving, thinking, learning,
    remembering, reasoning and so on.
  • Association areas are located on all four lobes
    of each hemisphere and may receive and process
    information from sensory and/or motor areas, as
    well as from other structures or other
    association areas of the brain in other lobes.

Frontal Lobe
  • The frontal lobe is the largest of the four
    lobes and occupies the upper forward half of each
    cerebral hemisphere, right behind your forehead.
  • In the forward section of each frontal lobe are
    association areas that receive information from
    other lobes to enable us to perform complex
    mental functions.
  • The frontal lobes are also involved in
    personality, the control of emotions, and
    expression of emotional behaviour.

Primary Motor Cortex
  • Located at the rear of each frontal lobe and
    running roughly across the top of your head is a
    strip of neural tissue called the primary motor
  • The primary motor cortex is specifically involved
    in controlling voluntary bodily movements through
    its control of skeletal muscles.
  • The motor cortex in the left frontal lobe
    controls voluntary movements on the right side of
    the body and vice versa.
  • The amount of cortex devoted to a particular body
    part corresponds to the complexity or fineness of
    its movements.

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Brocas Area
  • A specific cortical area located in the left
    frontal lobe next to the motor cortex areas that
    control the muscles of the face, tongue, jaw and
    throat is an area called Brocas area.
  • Brocas area is responsible for the production of
    articulate speech, coordinating movements of the
    muscles required for speech and supplying this
    information to the appropriate motor cortex
  • Brocas area is also involved in understanding
    the meaning of words and the structure of speech
    such as adjectives, prepositions and
    conjunctions. It is also involved in
    understanding the grammatical structure of

Damage to Brocas Area
  • Damage to Brocas area often produces speech that
    is very deliberate, consisting of a few words
    with very simple grammatical structure, but
    damage rarely results in the total loss of
  • This type of speech impairment is known as
    Brocas aphasia.
  • Aphasia is a form of language loss or impairment
    due to brain damage, injury or disease.

  • In Brocas aphasia speech consists of very short
    sentences, typically three or four words, and
    these words are mainly verbs and nouns.
  • The smaller parts of speech are often ommitted
    such as to and the, as are proper grammatical
    endings of words such as ing and ed.

Parietal Lobe
  • The parietal lobe is located behind the frontal
    lobe and occupies that upper back half of the
    brain, but not the rear-most area.
  • The parietal lobe in each hemisphere receives and
    processes sensory information from the body and
    skin senses and other sensory areas in the brain.
    It also sends information to other areas of the
  • Located at the front of each parietal lobe, just
    behind and parallel to the primary motor cortex
    in the frontal lobe, is a strip of cortex called
    the primary somatosensory cortex.

  • The primary somatosensory cortex receives and
    processes sensory information from the skin and
    body, enabling us to perceive bodily sensations.
  • Different areas of the primary somatosensory
    cortex are involved with sensations of touch
    received from specific body parts. Furthermore,
    the amount of cortex devoted to a particular body
    part corresponds to the sensitivity and amount of
    use of the body part.

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Occipital Lobe
  • The occipital lobe is located at the rear-most
    area of each cerebral hemisphere that is at the
    back of your head.
  • The occipital lobe is primarily involved in
  • Damage to the occipital lobe can produce
    blindness, even if the eyes and their neural
    connections to the brain are normal.
  • The primary visual cortex is located at the base
    of each occipital lobe and this is where visual
    information from the two eyes is received and

Temporal Lobe
  • The temporal lobe is located in the lower,
    central, area of the brain, above and around the
    top of each ear.
  • The temporal lobe in each hemisphere is primarily
    involved with auditory perception, but also plays
    an important role in memory, in aspects of visual
    perception such as our ability to recognise faces
    and identify objects, and in our emotional
    responses to sensory information and memories.
  • The primary auditory cortex in each temporal lobe
    receives and processes sounds from both ears,
    receiving and processing different features of
    sound and therefore playing a vital role in the
    identification of sounds.

  • The two main features of sound are frequency
    (which we perceive as pitch) and amplitude or
    intensity (which we perceive as loudness).
  • Verbal sounds such as words are mainly processed
    in the primary auditory cortex of the left
    hemisphere and non-verbal sounds (such as music)
    are mainly processed in the primary auditory
    cortex of the right hemisphere.
  • Damage to the temporal lobe as a result of a
    stroke or severe blow to the head can level a
    person with the ability to describe someones
    facial features, to identify their sex, and to
    judge their approximate age, but without the
    ability to recognise the person as someone that
    they know, even if it is their mother.

Wernickes Area
  • A specific area in the temporal lobe of the left
    hemisphere only, next to the primary auditory
    cortex and connected to Brocas area by a bundle
    of nerves is called Wernickes area.
  • Wernickes area is involved with comprehension of
    speech more specifically, with interpreting the
    sounds of human speech.
  • When a word is heard, the auditory sensation is
    processed by the primary auditory cortex of the
    left temporal lobe, but the word cannot be
    understood until the information has been
    processed by Wernickes area.
  • This area is also thought to be involved with not
    only understanding words, but also for locating
    appropriate words from memory to express intended
    meanings when we speak or write.

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Hemispheric Specialisation
Hemispheric Specialisation
  • Overall, the two cerebral hemispheres appear to
    be two replicas of each other in terms of size,
    shape and function.
  • The function of the sensory and motor areas of
    the left and right hemispheres are generally the
    same, however, each hemisphere does have some
    specialised functions which are not duplicated by
    the other hemisphere.
  • Hemispheric specialisation The idea that one
    hemisphere has greater control over a particular

How do we know what we know??
  • The earliest evidence of hemispheric
    specialisation came from observations of people
    who had suffered a stroke or an injury affecting
    one hemisphere but not the other.
  • It was observed that damage to the LEFT
    hemisphere often resulted in difficulties with
    language related activities (VERBAL TASKS) such
    as understanding speech, talking fluently,
    reading and writing. It also noted that the left
    hemisphere processes information in a step by
    step and analytical way.

  • Damage to the RIGHT hemisphere often resulted in
    difficulties with visual and spatial tasks not
    dependent on language (NON VERBAL TASKS), such as
    reading a map.

What is each hemisphere specialised in?
  • LEFT
  • Verbal Task (involve the recognition of words)
    eg. Reading, writing, understanding of speech
  • Analytical tasks (involve breaking down a task
    into its key parts and then approaching it in a
    step by step way) eg, following instructions on
    how to bake a cake.
  • Left hemisphere receives and processes sensory
    information from the right side of the body.
  • Controls voluntary movement on the right side of
    the body

  • Right
  • Non verbal tasks (tasks that are not dependent on
    language skills) eg. Completing a jigsaw puzzle.
  • Spatial and visual thinking eg. Reading a map,
    visualising a place in your mind, recognising
  • More involved in recognising emotions from facial
    cues (signals), such as raised eyebrow and
  • Right hemisphere receives and processes
    information from the left side of the body and
    controls voluntary movements on the left side of
    the body.

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The Reticular Activating System (RAS) and Thalamus
  • Two other important brain structures are involved
    in our ability to be awake and alert and to
    attend to stimuli in our internal and external
  • These are the reticular activating system and the

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Reticular Activating System (RAS)
  • Before incoming sensory information (neural
    impulses sent from outside the body to the brain)
    reaches the cerebral hemispheres, it must pass
    through the reticular activating system.
  • The reticular activating system is a network of
    neurons that extends in many directions from the
    top of the spinal cord up to the thalamus. It
    influences our state of physiological arousal and

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  • Nerve fibres from sensory neurons have side
    branches into the RAS, which filter incoming
    sensory information, sorting it into important
    and unimportant categories.
  • These side branches stimulate the RAS to send its
    own nerve impulses upward toward the cortex,
    arousing it to a state of alertness and activity.
  • This stimulation keeps the cortex alert and
    active which we then experience as being in a
    state of consciousness awareness.

  • Once alerted to the fact that new information is
    on its way, the brain is ready to process the
    sensory information.
  • Unimportant information is ignored.
  • This is what we know as selective attention-
    our ability to voluntarily redirect our attention
    to a specific stimulus while ignoring others.
  • Eg. When you are trying to cross a busy road
    without traffic lights the RAS allows you to
    filter out unwanted sensory information and
    concentrate on what is important.

  • The RAS is not only involved in keeping us alert
    when we are awake- it is also involved in the
    control of sleeping and waking, and is often
    referred to as the brains arousal centre.
  • Experiments in which researchers have removed the
    RAS from animals show that without it they cannot
    be awakened, due to lack of arousal. If the RAS
    is electrically stimulated in sleeping animals
    they will awaken immediately.

  • Damage to the RAS will profoundly disrupt the
    sleep-wake cycle and can result in coma or a
    vegetative state.
  • Many general anaesthetics work by reducing the
    activity of the RAS, making the patient

The thalamus the sensory switching station
  • The thalamus is a structure that sits on top of
    the brain stem and acts as a sensory relay
  • Information from all senses (except smell) pass
    through this structure.
  • The thalamus is a brain structure that filters
    information from the senses and transmits the
    information to the cerebral cortex.

  • Eg. Information from the eyes enters the thalamus
    and is relayed to the primary visual cortex in
    the occipital lobe.
  • The flow of information is not one way- there is
    a constant flow of information between the
    thalamus and other cortical areas.
  • In addition to incoming sensory information, the
    thalamus receives information about our state of
    arousal from the reticular formation.
  • This means the thalamus also has a crucial role
    in influencing our level of alertness.

  • The thalamus also appears to play a role in
  • It filters the vast amounts of information that
    need to be attended to and highlights some while
    de-emphasising others.
  • This is crucial when we are in need of resting
    the brain (eg sleep) as the thalamus stops
    information from passing through to the cortex.

The spinal cord
  • The spinal cord is a long column of nerve tissue
    that extends from the base of the brain and is
    encased in the spinal column which runs from the
    skull to the lower back.
  • The bones of the spinal cord are called
  • The two main functions of the spinal cord are

To pass motor information from the brain to the
Peripheral Nervous System so that the appropriate
actions can be taken.
To pass sensory information from the Peripheral
Nervous System to the brain.
  • When the spinal cord is damaged, the brain loses
    both sensory input from and control over the
  • The spinal cord is the linking pipeline that
    integrates the central nervous system and
    peripheral nervous system, which work together to
    transmit information around the body.
  • This information is transmitted via NEURONS.

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  • There are three main types of neurons, each of
    which has a different role in the nervous system.
  • These are
  • Sensory neurons
  • Motor neurons
  • Interneuron's
  • Sensory neurons and motor neurons are found
    primarily in the PNS, whereas interneurons are
    only found in the CNS.

  • Sensory neurons (also called afferent neurons)
    are specialised cells that receive information
    from both the external environment and from
    within the body and transmit the information to
    the CNS.
  • Their main role is to help us sense the external
    world and changes within our body.
  • Generally there are different types of sensory
    neurons, each of which is specialised to respond
    only to a particular type of stimulation. Eg. The
    sensory neurons in the ears respond to sound
    waves, but not light.

  • Motor neurons (also called efferent neurons)
    transmits messages from the CNS to the muscles,
    glands and organs.
  • They enable muscles to move, cause glands to
    secrete chemicals and activate internal organs
    such as the heart, lungs and intestines.

  • Interneurons exist only within the CNS.
  • Interneurons provide neural links between sensory
    and motor neurons and have a specialised role of
    carrying and integrating messages between sensory
    and motor neurons.
  • When information from a sensory neuron arrives at
    the CNS, an interneuron receives, organises and
    integrates the information. They also connect
    with the motor neurons to send messages back
    through the PNS.

  • The major difference between sensory and motor
    neuron activity is the direction of the neural
    impulse and what happens at their destinations.

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  • The brain is not always perfect as shown through
    perceptual anomalies or irregularities like
    when we perceive motion that doesnt actually
    occur (motion after effect), when we fail to
    notice changes that are occurring (change
    blindness) and when we involuntarily experience
    sensations that do not have a physical basis at
    that time (synethesia).

  • When looking at the irregularities of the brain
    we examine these phenomena, which are all
    experienced by people with intact, undamaged
  • Other people with brain damage experience the
    world very differently to those without damage.
  • We will also look at this and the way this
    effects a persons life.
  • Aphasia
  • Spatial neglect
  • Split-brain studies

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  • The word aphasia is a general term used for
    clinical purposes to describe individuals with a
    language disorder.
  • Aphasia refers to a language disorder apparent in
    speech (comprehension or production), writing or
    reading, produced by injury to brain areas
    specialised for these functions.

  • Aphasia is often classified into three main
  • Fluent aphasias in which there is fluent speech
    but there are difficulties in either auditory
    verbal comprehension or the repetition of speech
    spoken by others
  • Nonfluent aphasias in which there are
    difficulties in articulating clearly but auditory
    verbal comprehension is good
  • Pure aphasias in which there are specific
    impairments in reading, writing or the
    recognition of words.
  • The most common cause of aphasia is stroke,
    causing loss of blood supply to areas of the
    brain associated with language.

  • Some aphasia sufferers can speak fluently but
    they cannot read, others may understand what they
    read but cannot speak, some can write but not
    read, some can read but not write, some can read
    numbers but not letters, and others can sing but
    not speak.

Brocas aphasia
  • In the late 1800s, French physician Paul Broca
    studied patients with damage to the lower left
    frontal lobe, close to the motor cortex.
  • This later became known as Brocas area.
  • He discovered that while patients with damage to
    this area could understand what was said to them
    and knew what they wanted to say in response,
    they simply could not say it.

  • In Brocas aphasia a person has difficulty in
    speaking, although they continue to understand
  • A typical patient will speak slowly and
    laboriously, and use simple sentences.
  • Usually only the concrete words (verbs and nouns)
    are pronounced and the connecting words are
    omitted (to, the or ing).
  • Eg. Boy went beach instead of The boy went to
    the beach.
  • The sentence is not articulate and incomplete.
  • Some patients cannot speak at all.

  • Brocas aphasia
  • http//

Wernickes aphasia
  • Around the same time, German physician and
    psychiatrist Carl Wernicke studied patients with
    a different language disorder.
  • This was the inability to understand speech or to
    produce coherent language.
  • He identified a part of the brain in the left
    temporal lobe close to the primary auditory
    cortex as being the area responsible for language
    comprehension- Wernickes area.

  • Wernickes aphasia is a type of aphasia in which
    a person has considerable difficulty
    comprehending speech and speaking in a meaningful
  • Unlike Brocas aphasia, speech is often fluent
    and grammatically correct, but what is said is
  • Words are used inappropriately and sometimes made
    up words are used.
  • The patient often is not even be aware that what
    they are saying does not make sense.

  • Eg. When describing a picture of a woman washing
    the dishes and her two children stealing cookies
    from the cookie jar behind her the patient says
  • Well, this ismother is always here working her
    work out of here to get her better, but when
    shes looking the two boys looking in the other
    part. One their small tile into her time here.
    Shes working another time because shes getting
    to. So two boys work together and one is sneaking
    around here making his work and further funnas
    his time he had.

  • Tono man
  • http//
  • Wernickes aphasia
  • http//

Language functions
  • There are other areas of the brain that have been
    linked to language that complement the functions
    outlined in Broca and Wernickes areas.
  • It has also been found that the right hemisphere
    may also have a role in language.
  • Some patients with major destruction to the left
    hemisphere may be capable of swearing or using
    emotionally charged words, or singing, and
    learning well known phrases.
  • Some can sing phrases that they are unable to
    say, thereby making use of the right hemispheres
    musical function.

Spatial neglect
  • Read intro page 217.
  • Spatial neglect is an attentional disorder in
    which individuals fail to notice anything either
    on their left or right side.
  • They tend to behave as if one side of their world
    does not exist.
  • Most commonly observed in stroke victims or
    accident victims who have extensive damage to the
    rear area of the parietal lobe of the right
  • They mostly neglect the left side of their world.

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  • Read studies pg 218.
  • Spatial neglect is widely considered to be a
    disorder involving failure of attention, and not
    due to impairment of memory processes, the visual
    system or any other sensory system.
  • Its much greater occurrence with damage to the
    right rather than the left parietal lobe
    highlights the importance of this lobe in
    attention and spatial recognition.
  • Many patients insist that there is nothing wrong
    with their perception of the world.
  • Some do however, make a gradual recovery.

Split brain studies
  • Much of our knowledge on hemispheric
    specialisation comes from researchers Roger
    Sperry (1914-1994) and Michael Gazzaniga (1939-).
  • These researchers demonstrated that there is more
    to hemispheric specialisation than just language
  • How is it possible to test only one side of the

  • One way is to work with people who have had a
    split-brain operation.
  • Split brain surgery involves surgically cutting
    the corpus callosum thereby disconnecting one
    hemisphere of the brain from the other.
  • Another less common procedure is the WADA test in
    which a sedative is injected into an artery which
    sedates only one side of the brain.

Split brain surgery
  • In the 1940s there was very little remedy for
    people who suffered from severe epileptic
    seizures (10-15 a day).
  • In recognising the need for new treatments,
    American neurosurgeon William Van Waganen decided
    to contain seizure activity by cutting the corpus
    callosum and stopping the communication between
    the two cerebral hemispheres.

  • Animals studies showed that there were no obvious
    effects of this surgery and in the 1940s the
    first of the human split-brain surgeries began.
  • There was little evidence of impairment and
    patients appeared to remain normal, however
    there was little or no improvement in the
    occurrence of the seizures.
  • The surgery was abandoned until the 1950s when
    Sperry and a student of his, Roger Myers
    conducted successful split brain operations with
  • Through this experimentation it was found that
    the earlier split-brain operations may have been
    unsuccessful because the corpus callosum and
    other neural connections had not been completely

  • The split-brain surgeries were conducted on 11
    epileptic patients, completely cutting the corpus
    callosum and other nerves, leaving some patients
    virtually seizure free afterwards and with
    minimal side-effects.
  • Sperry and Gazzaniga however discovered that the
    surgery had left some patients with a unique

Effects of having a split brain
  • Surgery that cuts the corpus callosum interrupts
    the exchange between the two cerebral
    hemispheres, so information registered in one
    hemisphere is unable to be transferred to the
  • This means the brain cannot integrate information
    registered separately in each hemisphere.
  • Eg. Information registered in the right
    hemisphere cannot be transferred to the left
    (language centres) and therefore cannot be

  • Problems arise for split-brain patients when a
    response requires information from one hemisphere
    to be integrated with information from the other
  • Eg. When registering visual information, it is
    registered on the retina of each eye and travels
    to each hemisphere. Info from the right portion
    of a persons vision (right visual field) goes to
    the left hemisphere where the speech centre
    allows you to articulate this information
    verbally. If you receive information only to your
    left visual field, the information will only
    travel to your right hemisphere and if you had a
    split-brain operation it would be unable to pass
    to the left hemisphere and therefore be unable to
    be articulated verbally.

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Perceptual anomalies
  • Perception occurs when sensory information
    reaching the brain is meaningfully interpreted.
  • Touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing.
  • This allows us to make sense of the world.
  • However sometimes we make errors in our
    perceptions and this can lead to perceptual
  • Perceptual anomaly refers to an irregularity in
    perception. It usually involves an inconsistency
    or mismatch between the perceptual experience and
    physical reality.

  • Eg. When driving along a highway you may see a
    puddle on the road ahead. As you drive the road
    stays dry and the puddle remains in the distance.
    In reality there is not puddle it is a layer of
    hot air beneath cool air but the brain
    misinterprets it and you see it as a puddle.
  • Three types of anomalies
  • Motion after-effect
  • Change blindness
  • Synesthesia

Motion after-effect
  • Motion after-effect refers to the phenomenon that
    occurs when, after staring at a moving image for
    a period of time and then looking immediately at
    a stationary one, we perceive the stationary
    image to be moving in the opposite direction to
    the moving image.
  • http//

  • One explanation for motion after-effect is that
    the neurons in the visual cortex that respond to
    the motion become fatigued over time. When you
    stare at a moving object, these cells signal
    movement in one direction. When you shift your
    attention to something else, these neurons fail
    to fire. However, as neurons that signal movement
    in the opposite direction are more active they
    therefore interpret the movement as the opposite

Change blindness
  • Change blindness refers to a failure to notice
    changes in a visual scene.
  • This failure to notice is usually because the
    changes occur at the same time as a disruption to
    our vision and, in particular, a disruption to
    our attention.
  • Change blindness illustrates the importance of
    attention in cognitive processes and the
    important roles of the RAS and thalamus as a
    sensory filter.

  • http//

Inattentional blindness
  • Inattentional blindness is the failure to notice
    an object in the environment, because attention
    was not focused on it.
  • There is no visual disruption or reliance on
  • It is possible that these phenomena occur because
    of a failure to store the information in the
    first place. It may also occur because we are
    unable to compare the new information with the
    old information.
  • http//

  • Synesthesia is a perceptual experience in which
    stimulation of one sense produces additional
    unusual experiences in another sense.
  • It is involuntary and occurs automatically and is
    consistent across time.
  • Grapheme-colour synesthesia is the most common
    form and is when the experience of viewing
    letters or numbers actually produces the
    experience of colours.

  • Although the causes of synesthesia are yet to be
    clearly determined, there are some factors that
    are associated closely with synesthesia
  • It is most likely to run in families, suggesting
    a genetic link
  • It is most common in drug users (LSD)
  • People with one type of synesthesia are more
    likely to have another form
  • Creative people are more likely to have
  • Synesthesia can develop over the course of a
    lifetime, not everyone is born with it.

  • http//

Brain research methods.
  • Neuroimaging can capture detailed images of the
    living intact brain as people engage in different
    mental processes or make behavioural responses.
  • Functional neuroimaging refers to scanning
    techniques that provide views of some particular
    aspect of brain function by showing images of the
    brain at work.

Brain research methods
  • Summarising brain research methods.docx

Ethical principals in brain research
  • Psychologists are not medically qualified and
    therefore are not legally or ethically permitted
    to administer any medical procedures.
  • Any neuroimaging device involves medical
    procedures and can therefore not be administered
    by a psychologist.
  • A psychologist may work on a team with medical
    experts to administer these kinds of treatments.

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  • Central Nervous System
  • The Central Nervous System (CNS) comprises the
    brain and spinal cord. The spinal cord connects
    the CNS with the Peripheral Nervous System.
  • The roles of the CNS are to integrate and
    coordinate all incoming neural information and to
    initiate messages sent to different parts of the
    body, the CNS does not have direct contact with
    the outside world.
  • The CNS relies on the Peripheral Nervous System
    to provide it with information about both the
    external world and the bodys internal
    environment, and to carry messages from the CNS
    to various parts of the body.

  • Peripheral Nervous System
  • The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) is the entire
    network of nerves located outside the Central
    Nervous System.
  • It extends from the top of the head, throughout
    the body to the tips of the fingers and toes and
    to all parts of the skin.
  • The PNS has two main functions
  • To carry information from the sensory organs to
    the CNS
  • To convey information from the CNS to the
    muscles, organs and glands.
  • It enables communication to occur between the CNS
    and all other parts of the body outside the brain
    and spinal cord.

Human Nervous System
  • In the human nervous system, messages can only
    travel in one direction along the neuron. To
    accommodate this, the PNS has two different
    pathways for communicating information to and
    from the CNS.
  • One of these pathways consists of a set of
    neurons- the sensory neurons- that carry
    information from the sensory organs, muscles and
    glands to the CNS.
  • The other pathway consists of a set of neurons-
    motor neurons- that carry instructions or
    messages from the CNS to muscles, organs and

You are able to feel the heat of a wood fire
because of the coordination of the and the .
The heat given from the fire is received by the
neurons of the skin, which are part of the
. The sensory neurons then transmit the
information to the . The brain then organises
and interprets the information in a meaningful
way, which enables you to know how hot the flame
is. If you decide it is too hot, the brain sends
messages via the neurons which are part of the
to the muscles in your legs to move a few steps
away from the fire.
The peripheral nervous system can be subdivided
into two quite distinct nervous systems, each of
which has different functions- the somatic
nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.
System is a network of sensory (afferent) nerves
that carry information received by sensory
receptors in the body to the CNS, and motor
(efferent) nerves that carry information from the
CNS to control voluntary movements of skeletal
muscles.The Sensory function of the SNS is
activated when you sense or feel something on
your skin for example and the SNS sends signals
from that point to your brain via the spinal
cord, resulting in you experiencing the
sensation. The motor function of the SNS is
demonstrated whenever you voluntarily move a body
  • The Autonomic Nervous System is a network of
    nerves that connects the CNS to the bodys
    internal organs and glands providing feedback to
    the brain about their activities.
  • The ANS is called autonomous because many of the
    organs, glands and processes under its control
    are self-regulating and not usually under
    voluntary control.
  • Eg. Heartbeat, digestion, perspiration.
  • Regardless of our level of awareness or
    alertness, the ANS keeps the vital organs and
    systems of our body functioning thus maintaining
    our survival.

  • Divisions of the ANS
  • The ANS is made up of two distinct divisions, the
    sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
  • The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for
    increasing the activity of most visceral muscles,
    organs and glands in times of vigorous activity,
    stress or threat.
  • The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible
    for decreasing the activity of most visceral
    muscles, organs and glands, and keeping the body
    functioning in a normal state.
  • While the two nervous systems are both active at
    the same time, one system usually dominates the
    other at any given time.

The Sympathetic Nervous System
  • Enhances survival by providing an immediate
    response, in a split second, to any kind of
  • When an emergency is perceived, neurons in the
    SNS activate target organs and glands to respond
    in the required way. The result is that
  • heart rate and blood pressure increase,
  • breathing rate increases so more oxygen can be
    taken in,
  • sugar and fat are released from storage to
    provide instant energy to the skeletal muscles,
  • the pupils dilate to allow more light to enter
    the eye and enhance vision,
  • and sweat glands increase their production of
    sweat which cools the body.

The Parasympathetic Nervous System
  • The PNS generally has the effect of
    counterbalancing the activities of the SNS.
  • It has two main functions
  • 1. It keeps the systems of the body functioning
    efficiently and in times of minimal stress and in
    the absence of threats, helps it to maintain the
    internal body environment in a steady, balanced,
    state of normal functioning (homeostasis).
  • 2. It also restores the body to a state of calm,
    once the need for activity of the SNS has passed.
  • The PNS dominates the SNS most of the time as it
    is involved in basic everyday functioning.

Description Function
Somatic Network of sensory nerves that carry info to the CNS received by sensory and motor nerves that carry info from the CNS to control voluntary movements of the skeletal muscles. Initiates all skeletal muscle activity enabling you to perform voluntary actions such as scratching your head, talking, riding a bike, dancing, chewing and wriggling your toes.
Autonomic The Autonomic Nervous System is a network of nerves that connects the CNS to the bodys internal organs and glands providing feedback to the brain about their activities. Heartbeat, digestion, perspiration. Regardless of our level of awareness or alertness, the ANS keeps the vital organs and systems of our body functioning thus maintaining our survival.
Sympathetic Enhances survival by providing an immediate response, in a split second, to any kind of emergency. When an emergency is perceived, neurons in the SNS activate target organs and glands to respond in the required way heart rate and blood pressure increase, breathing rate increases so more oxygen can be taken in, sugar and fat are released from storage to provide instant energy to the skeletal muscles, the pupils dilate to allow more light to enter the eye and enhance vision, and sweat glands increase their production of sweat which cools the body.
Parasympathetic The PNS generally has the effect of counterbalancing the activities of the SNS. It dominates the SNS most of the time as it is involved in basic everyday functioning. It keeps the systems of the body functioning efficiently and in times of minimal stress and in the absence of threats, helps it to maintain the internal body environment in a steady, balanced, state of normal functioning (homeostasis). It also restores the body to a state of calm, once the need for activity of the SNS has passed.
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Research on hemispheric specialisation
  • There are 3 main approaches to conducting
    research on hemispheric specialisation
  • 1. Studying individuals with brain damage
  • 2. Studying people who have had a split brain
  • 3.Studying people with intact, and damaged

1. Studying people with brain damage
  • People who have suffered brain damage include
    those who have suffered a stroke, have suffered
    head injuries through a car or sporting accident,
    or for a medical reason, have had to have part of
    their brain surgically removed.
  • This research has been crucial in localising the
    functions of each hemisphere. For example,
    Broca's and Wernickes pioneering studies on
    damage to the specific parts of the left
    hemisphere that are involved in speech production
    and speech comprehension. Their research clearly
    showed that language and language- dependent
    verbal tasks are a specialised function of the
    left hemisphere.

  • Similarly, the role of the right hemisphere in
    spatial tasks is evident in people with Neglect
    Syndrome, a disorder caused by damage to the
    right hemisphere. Sufferers behave as if the
    left side of their world does not exist. For
    example, they may eat all the food on the right
    side of their plate.

Case Studies
  • Sometimes one of the best methods of brain
    research is to conduct a case study.
  • Case study A detailed account of a single
  • Eg. Phineas Gage, Albert Einstein
  • Advantages Rich source of information and detail
  • Disadvantages Time consuming, problems with
    generalising as cases are extraordinary.

  • Phineas Gage is probably the most famous patient
    to have survived severe damage to the brain.  He
    is also the first patient from whom we learned
    something about the relationship between
    personality and the function of the front parts
    of the brain.

  • The tamping iron was 3 feet 7 inches long and
    weighed 13 1/2 pounds.  It was 1 1/4 inches in
    diameter at one end and tapered over a distance
    of about 1-foot to a diameter of 1/4 inch at the
    other.  The tamping iron went in point first
    under his left cheek bone and completely out
    through the top of his head, landing about 25 to
    30 yards behind him.  Phineas was knocked over
    but may not have lost consciousness even though
    most of the front part of the left side of his
    brain was destroyed.  Dr. John Martyn Harlow, the
    young physician of Cavendish, treated him with
    such success that he returned home to Lebanon,
    New Hampshire 10 weeks later.

  • Some months after the accident, probably in about
    the middle of 1849, Phineas felt strong enough to
    resume work.  But because his personality had
    changed so much, the contractors who had employed
    him would not give him his place again.  Before
    the accident he had been their most capable and
    efficient foreman, one with a well-balanced mind,
    and who was looked on as a shrewd smart business
    man.  He was now fitful, irreverent, and grossly
    profane, showing little deference for his
    fellows.  He was also impatient and stubborn, yet
    impulsive and indecisive, unable to settle on any
    of the plans he devised for future action.  His
    friends said he was "No longer Gage."

2. Studying people who have had a split brain
  • A split brain operation involves surgically
    cutting the corpus callosum, the main bundle of
    nerves/tissue that connects the two hemispheres.
  • This procedure was first used in the 1940s to
    minimise or stop recurring seizures in severe
    cases of epilepsy that could not be treated by
    any other means. By severing the corpus callosum,
    the seizures were unable to pass over the

  • Important information gained from split-brain
    research is how the left and right hemisphere
    function when they cannot exchange information,
    and therefore cannot communicate together. For
    example, Sperry (1974) found that a split brain
    patient can recognise a picture of an object but
    not name it.

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3.Studying people with intact and damaged brains.
  • This refers to the study of people who have not
    undergone brain surgery and do not have a brain
    injury or disease.
  • New technology allows the study of brain
    functions ie
  • - Electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB)
  • Electroencephalograph (EEG)
  • Computerised Axial Tomography (CAT)
  • Positron emission tomography (PET)
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
  • The Wada test

Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB)
  • ESB involves precisely regulated electric current
    to stimulate a specific area of the brain leading
    to either activation or inhibition of stimulated
  • Wilder Penfield mapped the brain using numbered
    tags, and by eliciting either a physical,
    emotional or experiential response.

Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB)
  • Advantages
  • -Identifying function and location.
  • -hemispheric specialisation.
  • -Disadvantages
  • -Only useful for people undergoing brain surgery.
  • -Invasive risks.
  • -Generalisation difficult.

  • The Wada test
  • The Wada test is used on patients with intact
    brains before surgery to find out in which
    hemisphere the language centres are located.

The WADA test
  • Sodium amytal (a fast acting barbiturate) is
    injected into either the left or right carotid
    artery (an artery in your neck)
  • These arteries send blood primarily to the
    cerebral hemisphere on the same side as the
    injected artery
  • ie. Injecting the left artery results in
    anaesthetising the left hemisphere (and so the
    right side of the body)

The WADA test
  • What happens?
  • Patients are asked to put both arms in the air
    and count backwards from 100.
  • The arm on the opposite side of the injection
    will fall limp (indicating that the anaesthesia
    has taken effect)
  • If patients continue to count backwards the
    language centre must be on the other side from
    the injected artery.
  • If the patient stops counting, the language
    centre must have been anaesthetised and is on the
    same side as the injection.

Electroencephalograph (EEG)
  • EEG is a device that detects, amplifies and
    records general patterns of electrical activity
    of the brain.
  • Described in rhythms or patterns as alpha, beta,
    delta, theta.
  • Used to diagnose brain-related medical conditions

Electroencephalograph (EEG)
  • Advantages
  • -Non invasive
  • -Less expensive than PET and MRI, can be used
    widely and over long periods
  • Disadvantages
  • -Doesnt provide detail on specific brain

Computerised (axial) Tomography (CAT)
  • A CT is a neuroimaging technique that produces a
    computer enhanced image of a cross section
    (slice) of the brain from X-rays taken at
    different angles.
  • Needs a radiologist.
  • Contrast/iodine injected into the bloodstream to
    highlight brains blood vessels with no ill

Computerised (axial) Tomography (CAT)
  • Advantages
  • -Non invasive
  • -precisely locates brain damage.
  • Disadvantages
  • -Only structural, not functional information.

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
  • PET produces a computer-generated image that
    provides information about brain function and
    activity during various tasks.
  • Tracks blood flow and detects increased neural
    activity as a result of glucose consumption.
  • Harmless radioactive substance injected.
  • Colour coding- red is most active

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
  • Advantages
  • -Detailed images of brain functioning.
  • -Use on people without brain damage
  • -More sensitive than CAT/MRI
  • -Colour coding easy to analyse.
  • Disadvantages
  • -Injection
  • -Session must be kept short
  • -Cant eliminate other causes of brain activity
    at time of the scan

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • MRI is a neuroimaging technique that uses
    harmless magnetic fields and radio waves to
    vibrate atoms in the brains neurons to produce
    an image of the brain.
  • Coloured image assembled by computer indicates
    high and low level activity.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Advantages
  • -Identifies structural abnormalities.
  • -Detects very small changes.
  • -Can detect prosopagnosia (identifying faces but
    not objects) and akinetopsia (lack of motion
  • -No x-rays or radioactive substances.
  • Disadvantages
  • -No metallic devices can be present.
  • -Still does not assess brain function.

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
  • fMRI is a neuroimaging technique that enables the
    identification of brain areas that are
    particularly active during a given task by
    detecting changes in oxygen levels in the blood
    flowing through the brain.
  • Colour variation reflects degree of activity.
  • Can take numerous images in succession leading to
    more detailed, precise images.
  • 3D displays.

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
  • Advantages
  • -No radiation.
  • -More detail than PET.
  • -Colour coding
  • Disadvantages
  • -Still cannot eliminate other influences on brain
    activity of brain at a given point.
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