Title: Pregnancy Back Pain
1Wyndham Physio - Pregnancy Back Pain
2 3Wyndham Physio - Pregnancy Back Pain
- Prenatal Care Physiotherapy
- Pregnancy is an exciting time in your life. Our
Physiotherapists have extensive experience in
helping you stay fit, healthy and comfortable
throughout your pregnancy. - We offer individual exercise programs.
4Wyndham Physio - Pregnancy Back Pain
- Common problems include
- Pelvic Girdle Pain (Pelvic Instability)
- Back pain
- Rib pain
- continence issues
- Swelling and tingling fingers to name a few.
5Wyndham Physio - Pregnancy Back Pain
- Solutions are provided with
- Individual consultations- Prenatal consult are
run by our female Physiotherapist. It cover
pelvic floor exercises, abdominal exercises along
with general exercises safe during pregnancy.
6Wyndham Physio - Pregnancy Back Pain
- Post Natal Physiotherapy
- While you are caring for your newborn, your body
is trying to recover from the changes that
occurred during pregnancy and birth. - The weeks and months following the birth of your
babycan be a busy and exhausting time.
7Wyndham Physio - Pregnancy Back Pain
- Because of this, you may experience
- Weakness in your tummy and pelvic floor muscles
- Neck, back or pelvic pain
- Breast engorgement and/or mastitis
- Trouble returning to exercise, particularly high
impact exercise
8Wyndham Physio - Pregnancy Back Pain
Wyndham Physio offers individual physiotherapy
consultations to help achieve your goals and
leave you feeling fit, healthy and ready to meet
the demands of a growing baby.
9Contact Us
Wyndham Physio Hoppers Super Clinic 599 Sayers
Road, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria, 3029 Ph- 03
97489652 03 83605100 Email info_at_wyndhamphysio.co