Title: Apple cider vinegar for bv (bacterial vaginosis)
1 Apple Cider Vinegar for BV
(Bacterial Vaginosis)
2What are the symptoms and causes
BV? Discharge One of the most common symptoms
that you could be suffering from Bacterial
Vaginosis is the appearance of vaginal discharge.
This is often white in colour with a somewhat
unpleasant fishy aroma. Thrush Another common
symptom of BV are yeast based infections such as
Thrush and Candida. These infections can be a
sign that our bodies pH level is too acidic and
steps should be taken to alkalise the system.
3How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for BV
- An imbalance in vaginal bacteria often causes a
condition called bacterial vaginosis, or BV. - BV is characterized by discharge from the vagina
accompanied by several symptoms such as itching,
burning sensation, and swelling. - Most commonly, BV occurs because the regular
acidity of the vagina is disrupted, leading to a
lower pH than normal. - To remedy this, apple cider vinegar can be
applied to the vaginal area to restore the normal
pH balance, creating a better environment for
good bacteria. - However, apple cider vinegar is only a temporary
remedy for quick relief.
- Mix two cups of water with one teaspoon of apple
cider vinegar. Put the mixture in a douching bag
and perform the douching process. For the best
results, this should be done every day until the
BV is gone completely. In most cases, this can
take about as quickly as one week or as long as
two weeks. Don't be tempted to rush the process
with excess douching as douching too often or
using too much apple cider vinegar will wash away
not only bad bacteria, but good bacteria as well.
- To run an ACV bath, first make sure your bathtub
is clean. - Fill it with a shallow pool of warm water and mix
in roughly one cup of apple cider vinegar. - The exact measurements should vary depending on
how much water there is in the tub, but
generally, a safe amount would be roughly 100 to
250 ml. - Once the bath is ready, simply soak in it like
you would do in a normal bath. - However, make sure to limit it to around 20
minutes, as overdoing it can increase the
vagina's pH too much.
6Tampon Soak
- Another alternative to douching would be to soak
a tampon in a mixture of water and apple cider
vinegar. Leave the tampon in your vagina
overnight and immediately dispose of it the next
morning. Do this every night until your symptoms
7Drinking ACV
- Drinking apple cider vinegar for BV relief is
really not very effective. It's much better to
bath in it or douche with it. However, drinking
apple cider vinegar on a regular basis can be a
very effective maintenance method for preventing
bacterial vaginosis in the first place.Â