Title: foods that prevent diabetes (1)
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2If you are diabetic patient then it is very
important to take care of your diet properly. If
you do not take proper diet then there are many
side effects, such as an increase in weight and
it has many bad effects. So, you should always
take foods that prevent diabetes.
3Moreover, it is a very bad idea of consumption of
alcohol if you are a diabetic patient because it
is a very unpredictable beverage. It causes
either elevation of blood sugar level or lower
blood sugar level.
4Furthermore, you must be on a regular exercise
schedule as well as also on a strict diet, you
should eat only foods that prevent diabetes and
healthy too. If you want to increase the speed up
your metabolism then, first of all, starts
drinking lots of water which also helps you to
reduce weight.
5And also try to avoid the food which is rich in
carbohydrates. You should go for a food which is
rich in proteins like sprouts, skimmed milk,
nuts, legumes, etc.
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