Title: Bank & Insurance Directory in China
1Bank Insurance Directory in China
The China Bank Insurance Directory is the most
comprehensive publication covering financial
services companies, institutions and
organizations throughout China. Essential for
those doing business in Chinas financial market,
this directory covers hundreds of leading
financial institutions, including banks,
investment, insurance and leasing
companies. Entries provide company name
address telephone, fax numbers email, website,
names of senior management and board members,
including senior executives description of
business activities subsidiaries and associates
number of employees and more.
3Information in this Directory includes the
following -English name and address -Phone and
fax numbers -Emails -Key executive contacts -HQ
location -Website -Banking -Commercial
Banks -Foreign Banks -National Banks -Insurance
4CD-Rom China Bank Insurance Directory CD-ROM
is a powerful research and marketing tool to help
you succeed in your marketing campaigns in China.
The CD-ROM allows users to Print labels to put
on envelopes for posting Export e-mail addresses
so you can send your marketing information to all
listed addresses and Direct links listed in the
directory to the websites of companies. Whether
you are a bank manager, in charge of marketing or
simply interested to remain in touch with the
latest developments in the Chinese bank and
insurance industry, this Directory will save you
time and effort in finding the up-to-date
information you need. It is also an
indispensable guide to all of Chinas bank and
insurance companies and key corporate decision
5Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Content Page
- Indepth profiles
- Indexes
6Full Report- Bank Insurance Directory in China
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