Title: Three common myths about e-invoicing explained and debunked
Over the time, e-invoicing has made its mark and
the demand to use e-invoicing processes is on a
rise. However, due to the immense lack of
knowledge when it comes to e-invoicing, there are
many myths that are considered to be true, owing
to which, many businesses refrain from using
e-invoicing. Hence, here are some common myths
about e-invoicing that are believed to be true,
but actually are not
More often than not, companies are reluctant to
digitize their invoices as they think that the
economic costs may rise. On the other hand,
e-invoicing can actually prove to be cheaper than
paper-based invoicing as digitally sent invoices
do not require much manual labor and the cost for
paper and other stationary like ink, cartridge,
etc, is eliminated.
Many a times, businesses believe that e-invoicing
is not a safe process as most their data is on
the web. However, e-invoicing is actually
considered safer than paper billing. The
technology that the e-invoicing process uses
includes mechanisms such as e-signature or time
stamping that ensures the integrity and validity
of the document.
As e-invoicing is a new concept, businesses
believe that using this process might not be
convenient and may be time-consuming. However, by
opting to use e-invoicing, suppliers and buyers
can make use of a supplier or vendor portal,
which offers vendors the ability to check the
status of approval, resolve any disputes or
errors and saves time.