Title: Ari Rastegar-Founder and CEO
1 Ari Rastegar Founder and CEO
Ari Rastegar is a cum laude graduate of Texas AM
University, where he earned a degree in English,
and of the St. Marys University School of Law,
where he earned his Juris Doctorate. He returned
to his native Texas in 2015 after years in New
York, and founded Rastegar Capital, a commercial
real estate investment firm for which he serves
as Chief Executive Officer.Ari Rastegar is a
successful real estate entrepreneur who was
running a real estate development
company.Rastegar Capital, he explains, offers its
clients unparalleled access to the most exclusive
real estate investment opportunities. The firm
looks to invest in only the safest and strongest
opportunities that are structured to mitigate
downside risk, while maximizing upside exposure.
But no investment comes without a certain degree
of risk.
2 Ari Rastegar
Cum Laude Graduate
Ari Rastegar is the founder and CEO of Rastegar
Capital, a private investment firm in Dallas. He
graduated cum laude from Texas AM University,
with a major in English and a minor in Spanish.
He went on to law school at St. Marys University
School of Law, where he earned his Juris
Doctorate. After graduating he moved to New York,
and accepted a position with King and Grove
Hotels, now Chelsea Hotels.Ari Rastegar is a real
estate entrepreneur who launched Rastegar Capital
in Dallas in 2015. As the investment firms CEO,
he is sometimes asked about the best places to
3 Ari Rastegar Real Estate
Ari Rastegar is a real estate entrepreneur who
founded Rastegar Capital in his native Dallas in
2015. He launched Rastegar Capital as a
best-in-class company in order to provide
outstanding service to his growing investor base
across a wide range of commercial real estate
investments. He holds a law degree from St.
Marys University School of Law, and before that
graduated cum laude from Texas AM University.Ari
Rastegar is a prominent real estate entrepreneur
based in Dallas, the headquarters of his firm,
Rastegar Capital. What sets the firm apart, he
says, is that it offers clients a direct
relationship unencumbered by acquisition and
origination fees.He has had many successful
investments, dating back at least as far as his
days in law school, when between study sessions
he built and ran a real estate development
4 Ari Rastegar
Serving Investors
Ari Rastegar formed Rastegar Capital in 2015,
shortly after returning to his native Texas from
New York. The company, he says, is focused on
serving its investors, and creating material
abundance for them, and for the firm and its
investors. Along with his business interests, he
is a longtime supporter of Save the Children and
the Big Brother, Big Sister program.
He says that Rastegar Capital has a focus on
investments that are nearly recession-proof, such
as self-storage. When you have the big house and
the economy is booming and you buy the new
couch, he asked, where do you put the old
couch? In self-storage. Thats what Americans do.
We love our stuff. What happens when the economy
goes down and we have another 2008, when people
start losing their houses and temporarily need to
downsize into an apartment? Where do you put all
your stuff that was filling up your big house?
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