Title: Eugene Scheurer - Founder, CEO of Optimum Healthcare IT
1Eugene Scheurer Founder, CEO of Optimum
Healthcare IT
Eugene Scheurer is the founder and CEO of Optimum
Healthcare IT. Scheurer also started another
successful company in 2006 called CSI Tech which
is a healthcare consulting firm. Eugene
Scheurers skills in IT and HR are major
components that contribute to his reputation as a
gifted businessman and leadership for this
company benefits healthcare providers around the
country by saving facilities time and money.
2Eugene Scheurer, Optimum Healthcare IT CEO and
Eugene Scheurer is the CEO and President of
Optimum Healthcare IT. Prior to this position,
Scheurer has had a long, successful career in the
business, serving many years at Fidelity National
and the St. Joe Company, until he founded CSI
Tech. Optimum Healthcare IT helps healthcare
providers advance their business objectives and
with Scheurer at the helm, it has grown
3Eugene Scheurer, Healthcare Consultant
Eugene Scheurer is the founder and CEO of a
unique healthcare consulting company called
Optimum Healthcare IT. Scheurer built the
company on his extensive high-level experience
that started when he was a staffing and
recruiting manager for Fidelity National and the
St. Joe Company. Scheurer went on to found CSI
Tech in 2006, based on his experience and IT
knowledge. Optimum Healthcare IT was founded in
4Eugene Scheurer Consultant, CEO
Eugene Scheurer started his company Optimum
Healthcare IT at a critical time. More than ever
healthcare providers are looking for
opportunities to save and be more efficient as
they face challenges in todays operating
climate. Policy changes, legislation and
economic pressures have driven this need to an
ever-critical point. Eugene Scheurer is using
his company to help aid in meeting some of those
challenges with modern, efficient IT systems
designed for top business use and efficiency.