Title: Anthony Harrelson Virginia - Founder and CEO
1Anthony Harrelson Virginia - Founder and CEO
Anthony Harrelson of Virginia is the founder and
Chief Executive Officer of White Oaks Industries,
Inc. The company is focused on developing and
commercializing treatments for infectious
diseases, including the Ebola virus and HIV. He
holds a Ph.D. in microbiology and a Master of
Business Administration in finance. He says that
his research is aimed a harnessing the power of
the immune system to treat chronic infectious
2Anthony Harrelson Virginia - PhD and MBA
Anthony Harrelson of Virginia has a PhD in
microbiology and a Master of Business
Administration in Finance. He is the founder and
CEO of White Oaks Industries. The company is
partnering with state of the art medical and
longevity facilities in its research into HIV
treatment. He says that there is a need to
provide an active immunotherapy that is capable
of overcoming immune evasion mechanisms.
3Anthony Harrelson Virginia - Multiple Companies
Anthony Harrelson of Virginia has founded
multiple companies during his career. He is
currently the founder and CEO of White Oak
Industries, Inc., which is developing
immunotherapies for treating the HIV and Ebola
viruses. He is also the founder of Caster Works,
Inc., which provides specialized solutions for
many specific caster and wheel applications. Most
of his work today centers on the study and
treatment of infectious diseases.
4Anthony Harrelson Virginia - Preventing and
Fighting HIV
Anthony Harrelson of Virginia says that his
company is focusing on developing vaccines that
prevent and fight HIV infections. Their most
advanced vaccines, which are still under
development, are designed to function against the
clade B subtype of the HIV virus that is most
common in the United States, and in much of the
developed world. Worldwide, an estimated 3.3
million people are infected with clade B HIV