Title: Sap security interview question & answers
1SAP Security Interview Question Answers
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2- Explain what is SAP security?
- SAP security is delivering correct entry to
trade customers with admire to their authority or
responsibility and giving permission in keeping
with their roles.
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32. Explain what is roles in SAP
security? Roles is noted a gaggle of t-codes,
which is assigned to execute targeted industry
undertaking. Each position in SAP requires exact
privileges to execute a function in SAP that is
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4- 3. Explain how you can lock all the users at a
time in SAP? - Â
- Through executing EWZ5 t-code in SAP, all the
consumer may also be locked at the same time in
SAP. - SAP Security T-codes
- Frequently used security T-codes
- SU01 - Create/ Change User
- SU01 Create/ Change User PFCG - Maintain Roles
- SU10 - Mass Changes
- SU01D - Display User
- SUIM - ReportsST01 Trace
- SU53 - Authorization analysis
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54. How to create users? Execute transaction SU01
and fill in all the discipline. When growing a
new consumer, you have to enter aninitial
password for that consumer on the Logon data tab.
All other knowledge is optional.
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65. Explain what is authorization object and
authorization object class? Â Authorization
Object Authorization objects are agencies of
authorization subject that regulates detailed
activity. Authorization pertains to a detailed
motion whilst Authorization subject relates for
protection directors to configure specific values
in that designated action. Authorization object
class Authorization object falls under
authorization object courses, and they're grouped
by using function area like HR, finance,
accounting, and so on.
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76. Explain how you can delete multiple roles from
QA, DEV and Production System? To delete multiple
roles from QA, DEV and production system, you
need to comply with beneath steps Situation
the roles to be deleted in a transport (in
dev) Delete the roles Push the transport by
way of to QA and creation This will delete all
the all roles
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8Â 7. Explain what things you have to take care
before executing Run System Trace? If you are
tracing batch person identification or CPIC, then
earlier than executing the Run approach hint, you
need to ensure that the identity will have to had
been assigned to SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW. It enables
the user to execute the job with none
authorization verify failure.
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98. Mention what is the difference between USOBT_C
and USOBX_C? USOBT_C This table consists  the
authorization proposal data which contains the
authorization data which are relevant for a
transaction USOBX_CÂ It tells which authorization
check are to be executed within a transaction and
which must not.
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109. What is the t-code used for locking the
transaction from execution? For locking the
transaction from execution t-code SM01, is used.
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1110. Mention what is the main difference between
the derived role and a single role? For the only
position, we are able to add or delete the
t-codes even as for a derived role you can't do
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1211. Mention what is the maximum number of
profiles in a role and maximum number of object
in a role? Maximum number of profiles in a role
is 312, and maximum number of object in a role is
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1312. Explain what is SOD in SAP Security? Â SOD
way Segregation of obligations it's applied in
SAP with a view to detect and avert error or
fraud during the business transaction. For
example, if a person or employee has the
privilege to access bank account detail and cost
run, it maybe viable that it will possibly divert
vendor payments to his own account.
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1413. How do you create usernames in SAP? Goto
transaction SU01 and creating a new username, you
must enter an initial password for that user on
the Logon data tab and last name in address tab
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Details best-online-training.com
15- 14. List R/3 User Types ?
- Dialog - customers are used for character user.
Examine for expired/initial passwords possible to
change your own password. Verify for a couple of
dialog logon - carrier person - handiest person directors can
change the password. No investigate for
expired/initial passwords. Multiple logon
accredited - process - customers are usually not able of
interaction and are used to participate in
detailed procedure routine, similar to historical
past processing, ALE, Workflow, etc.
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164. Reference - person is, like a system consumer,
a common, non-for my part associated, consumer.
Further authorizations may also be assigned
inside the system making use of a reference
person. A reference user for further rights can
be assigned for every person within the Roles
tab. 5. communiqué information GUI logon not
viable and and investigate for expired/initial
passwords and its used for RFC connections
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1715. What is a derived role? Derived roles
consult with roles that already exist. The
derived roles inherit the menu constitution and
the capabilities included (transactions,
experiences, web links, and so forth) from the
position referenced. A role can only inherit
menus and services if no transaction codes were
assigned to it before. The larger-degree
function passes on its authorizations to the
derived position as default values which can also
be modified afterwards. Organizational level
definitions will not be handed on. They need to
be created anew in the inheriting position.
Consumer assignments usually are not passed on
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18Thank You
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