Title: Olubunmi Akinyem - Jungle Fitness Owner
1Olubunmi Akinyemi Jungle Fitness Owner
Olubunmi Akinyemi founded Jungle Fitness in 2012
with the aim of providing people in Atlanta,
Georgia with all of the help they would need to
maintain their physical fitness levels. The
facility offers a mobile fitness service that
helps people to work out in the comfort of their
own homes, in addition to selling various pieces
of equipment that can be used for this
purpose.Olubunmi Akinyemi founded Jungle Fitness
in 2012 with the aim of providing quality
personal training to people in Atlanta, Georgia.
2Olubunmi Akinyemi An Exceptional Education
Olubunmi Akinyemi has always understood that a
strong education provides the foundation for
career success. In addition to having earned a
Bachelors Degree in Russian Language and
Literature from the Pushkin Institute in Moscow,
he has also earned both a Bachelors and Masters
Degree in Technology Management and has spent
time studying at the University of Phoenix and
George Washington University.
3Olubunmi Akinyemi Promissor, Inc.
Before he founded Jungle Fitness in 2012,
Olubunmi Akinyemi worked as the Operational
Manager for Promissor, Inc., working in the
companys Georgia office. He used the many skills
that he had developed during his time as the CEO
of CompuSolve in Nigeria, in addition to his
extensive education, to provide an absolutely
stellar service to the company between 2002 and
2007.Olubunmi Akinyemi is an experienced
entrepreneur who has founded two companies during
his career, both of which have gone on to achieve
4Olubunmi Akinyemi Attracting Trainers
Olubunmi Akinyemi founded Jungle Fitness in 2012
and he has found that his business ethos has
allowed him to attract some of the most dedicated
and professional personal fitness trainers in
Atlanta, Georgia. He understands that a talented
workforce is vital to the success of any business
and his trainers have allowed him to establish
Jungle Fitness as the top personal fitness
company in the city.
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