Title: Olubunmi Akinyemi Well Educated
1Olubunmi Akinyemi Well Educated
Olubunmi Akinyemi earned a Bachelors degree in
Russian Language and Literature from the Pushkin
Institute in Moscow. After coming to the United
States, he earned a Bachelors degree in
Technology Management from the University of
Phoenix, as well as a MBA in Technology
Management and later another advanced degree in
Project Management from George Washington
University. He has used this extensive education
to run his businesses in Nigeria and the United
2Olubunmi Akinyemi Former Business Consultant
Olubunmi Akinyemi is highly trained and
experienced in several business sectors,
including Information Technology, business
analysis, and project management. From 2002 to
2007, Akinyemi worked as an Operational Manager
for the Georgia regional office of Promissor,
Inc. He also worked for four years as a
consultant for Assessment Systems, Inc., doing
project and business analysis. He now lives and
works near Atlanta, Georgia.Olubunmi Akinyemi
founded CompuSolve in Abuja, Nigeria in 1999 and
worked as the CEO of the company until 2002.
3Olubunmi Akinyemi Owner of a Different Kind of Gym
Olubunmi Akinyemi created Jungle Fit in downtown
Atlanta to provide those who are looking to
improve their physical fitness with a different
kind of experience than a typical gym. At Jungle
Fitness, trainers work closely with customers to
develop and test individualized training routines
that are designed to work out as many muscles as
possible and create healthy and nutritional
habits. At Jungle Fitness, people develop fitness
for life.
4Olubunmi Akinyemi Graduate of George Washington
Olubunmi Akinyemi earned a Masters degree in
Project Management from George Washington
University. He has used this experience and skill
to open a business in downtown Atlanta called
Jungle Fitness. In many ways, this business was
Akinyemis dream, because it blended personal
fitness, a subject he has long been interested
in, and used his considerable skills he developed
at George Washington University and working as a
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