Title: Olubunmi Akinyemi Small Business Owner and Entrepreneur
1Olubunmi Akinyemi Small Business Owner and
Olubunmi Akinyemi is a small business owner and
self-made entrepreneur who is currently working
in the Atlanta, Georgia area. He is currently the
owner of Jungle Fitness Atlanta, which has become
one of the areas most successful mobile fitness
companies. He was born and raised in Nigeria,
where he also had a career in business as the
owner of CompuSolve, which deals in technology
management, information technology procurement,
and consulting services. Olubunmi Akinyemi is an
entrepreneur who has worked hard to achieve the
level of success he currently enjoys in the
2Olubunmi Akinyemi Understanding the Business World
Olubunmi Akinyemi understands a great deal about
the business world. He has been a successful
business owner on two continents, and continues
to display an aptitude for entrepreneurialism. He
is currently the owner of Jungle Fitness Atlanta,
which is a mobile fitness program that is gaining
a great deal of popularity in the Atlanta,
Georgia area. The company allows people with
little extra time to work out on their own
3Olubunmi Akinyemi Business Owner and Professional
Olubunmi Akinyemi is a business owner and
entrepreneurial professional who has a great deal
of experience in the field. He is currently the
owner and operator of Jungle Fitness Atlanta,
where he is able to help busy individuals keep to
a physical exercise regiment. His company has
grown to become the number one mobile personal
training company in the Atlanta, Georgia area. He
is dedicated to continuing to grow the success of
his business. Olubunmi Akinyemi is a small
business owner who believes in working hard in
order to achieve his career goals.
4Olubunmi Akinyemi Successful Project Manager
Olubunmi Akinyemi is a dedicated business
professional who has worked hard in order to
achieve the level of success he currently enjoys.
He is the owner of Jungle Fitness Atlanta, which
is a mobile personal training program that helps
busy people stay in shape. He is well educated
for a career in business, and even has a Masters
degree in Project Management from George
Washington University. He also has a Maters in
Technology Management. Olubunmi Akinyemi is a
business professional who has had a great deal of
success in the field. He is well educated for a
career as an entrepreneur.
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