Title: Understanding Chakras and Chakra Balancing
1Understanding Chakras and Chakra Balancing
- Chakra Balancing
- Reflexology
For more services visit our website-
3Chakra Balancing
The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit Cakra
(Hindu) meaning wheel or circle or the Wheel
of Life. Chakras are the wheels of energy
throughout the body. Chakra balancing the Reiki
way is truly a system of attaining and promoting
wholeness of mind, body and spirit.
Reflexology is a science and art. Reflex points
(colloquially referred to as pressure points) on
the feet, hands, and ears represent the body in
miniature. Reflexology promotes the reduction of
stress, reinforcing the bodys ability to stay
healthy and vital.
5Contact us
Address- We are located at 50 North Street,
Medfield, MA next to Medfield Post office Phone
No.- (508) 359-6463 Facebook-
https//www.facebook.com/healingplacemedfield/ We
bsite- http//healingplacemedfield.com/ Email-id
- reflexologisthelen_at_gmail.com