BioEnergy Balancing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BioEnergy Balancing


BioEnergy Balancing Introducing an Integrated Protocol Based upon the Principles of the Science of Bionetics The Choice Is Clear! Find out how the software works and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: BioEnergy Balancing

BioEnergy Balancing
  • Introducing an Integrated Protocol
  • Based upon the Principles of
  • the Science of Bionetics

Two Ways To See The Body
  • Contractive focusing deeper and deeper
    concentrating on the partseven the micro parts
    like DNA.
  • Expansive widening the view to include many
    influences and see how they all fit together in
    the bigger picture.

Two Ways To See The Body
  • Contractive isolates and dissects.
  • Expansive joins together, unifies and sees the
    patient in their complete picture state.
  • Expansive is about integration and wholeness-
  • Expansive is holistic.

Zoom and View Functions
  • What if you could see the body from both views
    and you could zero in on the cellular actions as
    well as view the organ stress relationships or
    understand the bigger Emotional Picture on
    everyone of your patients?

Cathedral or Laying Bricks?
  • One day the architect of the Sistine Chapel was
    walking by the workers and he asked a bricklayer
    what he was doing. He replied, I am laying
  • As he passed the glazier putting in a window,
    when asked, he replied setting a window But
    when he asked the carpenter who was setting the
    door he replied
  • I am building a cathedral!

Seeing the Big Picture
  • Even though he was only performing one part of
    the Chapels construction the carpenters vision
    was of the end result and the larger picture.
  • Western Medicine misses the bigger picture of the
  • Seeing it all in a complex inter-related web is
    an integrated Cathedral approach. That is

The Science of Complexity
  • Bionetics is a Health Complexity Science that
    looks at the complex inter-actions and
    inter-related aspects of Wellness using
  • Modern Digital Technology
  • A Managed Stress Lifestyle,
  • Nutrition and,
  • Mind-Body Healing Integration
  • As well as the Micro-Nature of the Body.

Bionetics The Study of Life
  • Through the science of Bionetics, we are
    re-verifying many of the Eastern observations
    about healing relationships.
  • Because of the Technology we are able to assess
    complex relational aspects of each patient and
    support them in their process(es) of healing.

The Science of Bionetics
  • The Body as a bio-dynamic system of complex
  • Biochemistry and Bioenergy
  • Interplay of energy in the Connective Matrix
  • CFS activity and frequencies
  • Energetic Pathways Meridians / Chakras
  • Non-Cognitive Interactions- Sub-Conscious
  • Muscles and Skin talk with the brain.
  • Interfaces with Innate Intelligence through a
    new type of BioLink feedback.

The Science of Bionetics
  • Recognizes that all things (substances) have
    unique characteristics.
  • They interact with light through refraction,
    transmission, emission and reflectance.
  • Recognizes that these unique characteristics make
    up the activities of the
  • biochemical,
  • energetic and
  • lumen-essence of the bodily functions.

The Science of Bionetics
  • Recognizes that all substances hold a resonating
    frequency that is a pattern of the substance
  • These patterns create the information necessary
    in the body for signal messengers to activate
    cellular function.
  • The resonant frequencies can be digitized and
    used as a way of pre-assessing the bodys
    reaction to them.

The Science of Bionetics
  • True wisdom is knowing what to change.
  • Bionetics works with the disturbances to the
    Master Regulating System (causes) rather than the
    results (symptoms).
  • Western Medicine changes the results without
    consideration of the Master Regulation Process.
  • Holistic can be a true concept now with the use
    of the SpectraVision and the joining of it with
    the science of Bionetics.

  • The SpectraVision has the capacity to interact
    with the patient in a non-cognitive, non-invasive
    way, using a wave differential pattern matching
    process which opens the way for the practitioner
    to be educated in how to asses the patients
    imbalances without having to send out for
    thousands of dollars worth of diagnostic tests.

  • In just a few short minutes, the body can be
    surveyed against thousands of signals that are
    part of the metabolic process, as well as herbs,
    vitamins, homeopathy, and minerals. Additionally
    one can scan for toxic responses, virus, and
    bacteria and a host of other signals.
  • Now, the patients illness can be seen as
    complex picture of what is needed to support or
    detoxify and contributes to their overall balance
    for healthy living.

Micro Interface
90X Scanning Electron Microscope Photo
Sweat Drops on Fingertip With Micro Sensors,
these drops of moisture signal anxiety responses
in the body.
Micro Interface
Interacting with the Brain through the skin,
micro changes in GSR readings are recorded by
introducing a digital signal to the body at 144
substances every 2 seconds
Micro Interface
The micron sized droplets can change in only a
fraction of a second. Notifying to the
SpectraVision any change. It is recording by even
the slightest shift in body/mind awareness with a
.000001 accuracy!
Natural Signatures
Chromatic Scanning Electron Microscope unique
micro structures of Natural Substances
Natural Signatures
B-17 Amygdaline
Natural Signatures
Vitamin C
Natural Signatures
Folic Acid
Man-Made Signatures
Man-Made Signatures
Man-Made Signatures
Parathion -- Pesticide

Man-Made Signatures
Amoxacillin -- Antibiotic

Man-Made Signatures
Ampicillin -- Antibiotic

Signatures Carry Information
  • At a molecular level, these images are filled
    with the necessary biochemical, bioelectrical,
    and bioinformation necessary to perform a myriad
    of metabolic functions.
  • Digital Signals carry information that is unseen
    by the naked eye but easily shown in the
    following example.

Signatures Carry Information
  • We wouldnt take a Video Tape to a Chemist to
    see what is on the tape. We wouldnt play the
    information in the tape player.
  • Signatures have information that play for the
    body which it acts upon. As the signals and the
    body engage it makes changes to the biochemistry
    of the body.

Signatures Carry Information
  • This image has colors, but there is also
    information buried deep within the pattern. By
    changing our focus past the surface of the
    color grid, the INFORMATION appears. This is how
    digital patterning works.

Unique Message Signatures
Three Imbedded Hearts
Frequencies Change Water
  • It has been proven that the nature of water
    crystals can be influenced by frequencies
    introduced to the water.
  • Now even water can be changed and used as a way
    to change energy in the body by using the

Frozen Water Crystal
Water from Lourdes France
Distilled Water
Natural Signatures
The work of Dr. Emoto in Japan has effectively
shown in his book Messages From Water how not
only does the environment that the water travels
through influence the crystal signature of the
water, but water also holds a memory and it can
be influenced by subtle energy from music,
thoughts and prayer changing its crystal
Musical Crystal Signatures
Heavy-Metal Music
Music passed through water
Intention Signatures
Power of Writing different words on a sheet of
paper an placing them under a glass of water for
only a few minutes.
We are over 60 Water
It is easy to see now, how thoughts and
vibrations of our environment can influence our
health. Realizing this helps us to better
understand why vibrations from the body can be
measured by the SpectraVision.
The BioMatrix - Electricity
  • We are electrical beings. Without the ability
    to generate electricity we will die. The most
    familiar aspect of this phenomenon is death of
    babies caused by the loss of electrolytes.
  • If the ionic transfer of mineral ions cannot take
    place in all cells, muscles, nerves, heart and
    brain cells can die.
  • If significant loss occurs, a person can enter
    into a coma.

Grid Energy System Light Emission and
Transfer Electromagnetic Fields Thermo Nuclear
Emissions Chakra Energy System Subtle Energy
Transformation Meridian Energy System Healing
Information Cellular Electrical System
Electrolytes - Biochemistry Nervous System
Brain Muscle and Body Control Connective Tissue
BioMatrix Cell Transport Cardio Vascular
Heart BioElectrical Thoughts- Beliefs - Mind
BioNeural Informational The SpectraVision can
assess ALL of these energetic aspects of the
Human Body!
The BioMatrix
  • The Biomatrix (Physical transport) is made up of
    the molecular structure of oxygen, water, cells,
    tissues (Proteins and Glycos-Sugars), and
    positive and negative tissue layers.
  • Proteins. L-form send the energy Left
  • Glycos. R-form send the energy Right
  • Glyco-Proteins create the channels of energy
    supporting the Meridians and BioMatrix of the

The BioMatrix
  • The Biomatrix transports Energy electrons,
    photons and information.
  • It is a complex web of conduits of Light and
    Energy of specific cells in the connective
  • It is the Nexxus of energy and chemical
    interfaces Neuro-Peptides, Hormones, Neuro
  • It also holds strands of memory.
  • The SpectraVision can access those strands!

The BioMatrix
  • The bio-electrical nature of the cells is what
    creates the ability of biochemical activity.
    Without bio-electricity, there is no
  • The power houses of each cell must create their
    own energy. These powerhouses are the
  • If the tissues become toxic, energy cannot be

The BioMatrix
  • The electricity is used by each cell and the
    surplus is distributed throughout the body. Cells
    release ions and these ions flow as a potential
    available for work.
  • Ionization is a process of creating work and
    transferring energy throughout the body.
  • The major loss of ionized minerals can ultimately
    mean death.

The BioMatrix-Short Circuits
  • If the connective tissue short circuits there
    will be changes in electrical flow.
  • These changes create chemical distortions and the
    body will go into inflammation at the site of the
  • Localized trauma can increase or decrease
    electrical flow to a certain area.

The BioMatrix-Short Circuits
  • -Injuries, Inflammation, and Illness have a
    specific Energetic Picture. Now you can learn
    to see what a healthy picture looks like.

Self Organizing Principle
  • In a complex living system, the fundamental,
    Self-organizing Principle is carried out by
    trillions of living cells
  • Each with its own individual functions, while
    acting as one entity under the direction of
    Innate Intelligence.
  • To act as one, living cells must maintain
    continuous, coordinated exchange of energy and
    information from cell to cell, across the entire

Illya Prigogine
  • The Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry Illya
    Progogine said, that Efficient flow of energy is
    essential to wellness disease is the result of
    any interference with this flow
  • SpectraVision Technology measures the flow of

Brain and Skin- Same Tissue
  • The flow of energy within the BioMatrix
    interfaces with every other system of the body.
    It feeds the nervous system, brain, muscles,
    smooth muscles, and extra-cellular tissues.
  • The extra-cellular tissue includes the dermis and
    the epidermis.
  • The epidermis is the same tissue as the Cerebrum.
    This is why muscle testing works.

Benefits of BioEnergy Balancing
  • Provide Non-Invasive Appraisals
  • Assess Energy Points Guide Healing
  • Resolve Emotional Blocks To Healing
  • Practitioner guided Therapies are time saving
    and effective.
  • New profit center for the practice increase
    healing effects in patients.

BioEnergy Balancing
  • Four Areas of Energy Assessment
  • Bionetic Scan Scan for thousands of digital
    signals. Hundreds of times faster than muscle
  • BioGrid Polarity Balance- Toxicity
  • Meridian Balance Cell Support
  • BioCoherence Endocrine Activity

Bionetic Multi-Channel Scan
  • Therapeutic by Re-Regulating the System due to
    information processing.
  • Each Signal enters the body 8 Times
  • Exhausts Cellular Memory Strands
  • Repeatable data every six weeks.

Meridian Balancing
  • Aids in boosting metabolism.
  • Supports Organs and Cells
  • Increases Energy Production
  • Activates Regulation of Body
  • Corrects Veritcal and Horizontal Polarity to
    allow detox and uptake of vitamins and minerals.

Meridian Balance
  • Gives Information
  • Guides Healing Priorities
  • Focuses on the Primary Toxic Areas
  • Non-invasive interaction
  • Assess for blocks to energy flow.
  • Micro-tune the cell activity.
  • Assess difficult cases.

BioCoherence Testing
  • Analyzes frequencies flowing in the Biomatrix.
  • Shows Endocrine/Hormone Relationships.
  • Show Effectiveness of Low Level Lasers. Where to
  • Isolates weakness in the endocrine system.

Comprehensive Assessments
  • Increase Energy Efficiency
  • Increase the kinds of enery assessments you offer
    for each patient
  • Reach deeper into more complex energy patterns to
    find the key issues to patient health.
  • Find new ways to increase effectiveness of
    vitamins, herbs, and other medicines.
  • Streamline finding the best solutions.

Wellness Education
  • Provide High Tech and High Touch
  • Offer Wellness Education Services
  • Comprehensive Energy Analysis
  • Accurate Testing Methods
  • Results Oriented Energetic Modalities
  • Increase Cash Flow
  • Create New Profit Center

Educational Tool
  • Build your practice using a tool designed for
    you, that helps you solve problems in a natural
    way to promote healing.
  • Offer new assessments for your difficult cases
    and get through the energetic and emotional
    blocks to healing.
  • The SpectraVision isnt Medical Equipment-
  • It is the best Educational Technology you can use
    to teach your patients about their body!

Educate and Heal
  • In fact, as you educate them about what you are
    seeking in their energetic health, showing it on
    the computer screen, you will find that they will
    learn to become more responsible for their
  • They love to see the testing results change as
    they start to feel better!
  • Builds an increase in Patient Referrals.

Easy Choice
  • 1 year warranty.
  • Hardware and Software Support.
  • Basic 4 Day Training for Two People included in
    the pricing. (travel/hotel extra)
  • Advanced Training Available throughout the USA.

Easy Choice
  • The SpectraVision works seamlessly with the
    Brimhall Wellness 6 Step Protocols, and it is
    endorsed by Dr. Brimhall using it daily in their
    clinic in Mesa Arizona.
  • The SpectraVision will increase your nutritional
    sales and effectiveness of use for nutrition for
    your patients.
  • Many practitioners notice a quick increase in
    their cash business.

Easy Choice
  • Heres what some have said
  • Muscle testing is like digging in the dirt with
    a spoon. The SpectraVision is like using a 450 lb
    power drill to dig hundreds of feet deep
    underneath the earths surface! J. Stevens DC.
    Raleigh, NC (Brimhall Cert)
  • The SpectraVision was my best choice as a tool
    for my practice! I love it!
  • K. Solomon DC, New Bern SC (Brimhall Cert)

Certification and Training
  • On-Line Web Based Trainings. Either live or
  • Get Certified in Two New Designations
  • Using SpectraVision and Low Level Lasers

  • These courses are taught by Dr. David Lee, DC,
    Ph.D., and Dr. Ed Sullivan, DC, Ph.D, and Lee
    G.Woolley, MBnP, BPA.

  • Dr. David Lee, DC. Instructor
  • Learn a profound new technique to get into the
    heart of the emotions of your patients!
  • Using ProFusion Laser Light Vibrational Essences!

  • EMC2- Energetic Modalites For Comprehensive Care
  • EMC2 is THE natural next step to advance
  • Dr. David Lee, DC

The Choice Is Clear!
  • Find out how the software works and begin to see
    why many professionals are relying on the
    SpectraVision in their office.
  • Do you have any questions?
  • Would you like to spend ten more minutes viewing
    the software?
  • When would you be able to attend the next Basic
    Training Course?
  • . . .
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