Title: Manipura chakra
1Manipura chakra
Third Chakra Some Tendencies Shyness Fear
Melancholy Irritability
Luminous factor Visualization Color red
2Yoga Psychology
- Understanding the connection between the mind,
body, and spirit
3What is yoga psychology?
- Developed by P.R. Sarkar -- Indian philosopher
and spiritual teacher - Revitalized ancient yogic understanding of how
the chakras are related to our mental/emotional
states and how we can use yogic practices to
create balance - Systematized by Ashtabakra over 2000 years ago,
called Raja dhi Raja yoga
Subtle Psycho-Physical Centers
Mental/Emotional tendencies are located at
different chakras throughout the body
5Propensities (Tendencies of mind)
650 tendenciesx 2 internal and external
expressionx 10 motor and sensory organs 1000
Vrittis tendencies of mind
Sahasrara chakra
7Chakras and Yoga
Yogashcitta vrtti nirodha --Patanjali
Yoga is the cessation of the fluxuations of the
Manipura (third) chakra
8 Human Expression Through the Chakras
beyond expression
all knowledge
9Synthetic system
- Yoga Psychology is a synthetic approach
- Systems approach never separates one element
from another, sees all as interactive - Asanas, meditation, diet, ethics, service
- Tuning/cleaning the mind/body instrument in order
to harmonize the symphony
10Glands and Subglands
C- 7th pineal B- 6th pituitary A- 5th
thyroid D- 4th thymus E/F- 3rd pancreas/
adrenals G/H - 2nd --ovaries/ testes 1st no
official glands
Science has recently discovered that not only
glands, but also different areas of tissue
throughout the body produce hormones
11Adaptation(physical, mental/emotional, spiritual)
environmental stimulus
Limbic system Hypothalamus Endocrine glands
heightened mental state
altered physiology (blood sugar, adrenalin,
temperature, immune cells, electrolytes)
12Integration of Internal and External Stimuli
Environmental Stimuli
Limbic system
Cortex- memory
Limbic system correlates with past experiences
Hormones released
- Relaxation, efficiency, focus
- Subtle, higher mind/ propensities
- Sickness, stress
- Crude, lower mind/ propensities
14How does Yoga Psychology work?
- Asanas Meditation
- glands nerves
- hypothalamus
- nerves glands
- mood
- behavior
15Muladhara Chakra
- First chakra root
- Kama - physical
- Artha - psychic
- Dharma psycho-spiritual
- Moksa spiritual
- Solid factor
- Visualization color
- Gold
16Svadhisthana Chakra
Second chakra In ones own abode
Liquid factor Visualization color Silvery white
(like moonlight)
17Vrittis of the Svadhisthana
- Indifference, neglect
- Psychic stupor
- Indulgence
- Lack of confidence (in oneself or another)
- Crude expression
- Thought of complete annihilation (defeatism)
18Manipura chakra
Third Chakra place of gems
Luminous factor Visualization Color red
19Vrittis of the 3rd Chakra
- Shyness, shame
- Sadistic tendency
- Envy
- Lethargy, inertia
- Melancholy
- Blind attachment, infatuation
- Craving, thirst for acquisition
- Fear
- Irritability
- Hatred, revulsion
20Anahata Chakra
- Fourth Chakra
- Unhit
- Aerial Factor
- Visualization color Smokey gray/green
21Vrittis of the 4th Chakra
Self-esteem, vanity,
arrogance anxiety, impersonal worry conceit,
egotism greed, avarice, voracity hypocrisy,
deception nervous breakdown argumentativeness
- hope
- effort
- love and attachment
- discrimination, conscience
- repentance
- Sustained demand for adaptation
Psychic urges (hopes and fears)
Psychic transmutations
Genetic transmutations (change in DNA)
Vibrational energy
New species
23Why are some people born happy, others sad,
others scared, others outgoing?
24Samskara a seed of reaction
- We all enter the world with our own samskaras
- Often called karma
- Samskaras are accumulated from past lives, also
imposed and acquired - Samskaras determine our chakra symphony
25Yogas 8 limbs (Ashtaunga)
- Yama
- Niyama
- Asana
- Pranayama
- Pratyahara
- Dharana
- Dhyana
- Samadhi
26How can Yoga Psychology help?
- If we can strengthen the chakras, the mind will
become more balanced - Yoga in its entirety is holistic
- Diet, therapy/counseling, exercise etc. help
create a holistic approach - Yoga postures can contribute some are very
specific, others help balance several chakras at
27Whats special about Yoga Psychology Asanas
- Postures are held in order to put sustained
pressure on the specific glands. Breath is
controlled. - Postures are repeated to maximize their
effectiveness - Postures are done when you are cool
- Postures are followed by self-massage to help
with the assimilation of the glandular effects
28Vishuddha Chakra
Fifth Chakra the pure wheel
Ethereal factor Visualization color Multi-colore
29Vrittis of the Vishuddha
- 1-7 feelings inspired by the musical scale
- 1st note, vibrancy
- 2nd note, relieving
- 3rd note, quieting
- 4th note, peaceful
- 5th note, joyful
- 6th note, sweetness
- 7th note, tender longing
- OMN, creativity
- HUM, movement of the divine force (sound of the
kundalinii) - PHAT, fruition or inspiration
30Vrittis of the Vishuddha
- Altruism
- (for mundane welfare)
- Altruism
- (for psychic welfare)
- Universal welfare
- Surrender to a higher power
- Poisonous quality of voice/speech
- Attractive quality of voice/speech
31Ajina Chakra
- Sixth Chakra
- command
- Beyond the
- factors and
- colors
mundane knowledge
spiritual knowledge
32Sahasrara Chakra
- Seventh chakra
- thousand petaled
- Devotion Surrender Love