Title: Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
1Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
2Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
- The project is designed to demonstrate how
multiple microcontrollers can be connected in a
network to achieve the desired output. More and
more microcontrollers are embedded in different
kinds of products from industrial environment to
domestic area a good example is the automobile
sector. A modern day car has number of
microcontrollers integrated within its system.
3Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Block Diagram
4Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Hardware Requirements
- 8051 series Microcontrollers
- Keypad
- Relay
- Transformer
- Diodes
- Resistors
- Capacitors
- Regulator
- Buzzer
- Lamp
5Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Software Requirements
- Keil compiler
- Language Embedded C or Assembly
6Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Communications and Networks
- Data Communications
- Transmission of signals
- Encoding, interfacing, signal integrity,
multiplexing etc. - Networking
- Topology architecture used to interconnect
7Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Network Trends
Voice, Image, Data, Video
Integrated Systems!
8Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Communication Systems
- Process describing transfer of information, data,
instructions between one or more systems through
some media. - Examples
- People, computers, cell phones, etc.
- Computer communication systems
- Receivers and transmitters Desktop computers,
mainframe computers, etc.
9Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Communication Systems
- Signals passing through the communication channel
can be Digital, or analog. - Analog signals continuous electrical waves.
- Digital signals individual electrical pulses
10Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Working Principle
- The networking and communication between them
becomes necessary. - The importance of having multiple
microcontrollers against a single one is if one
of the microcontrollers goes bad only the
function related to that particular
microcontroller will be affected.
11Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Working Principle
- The project demonstrates a command based
monitoring tool using the RS232 protocol. - A network of three microcontrollers is used in
this project. - The first one is connected to a keypad for input
action. - The second one is connected to an LCD display and
the third one to drive a relay for controlling
any load (LAMP).
12Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Working Principle
- Input takes a password on the first MC to display
it on the second MC while the third one executes
the output only if the password is right. - Wrong password if entered will generate a buzzer
sound. - Though this task can be performed by a single
microcontroller. - The project uses multiple microcontrollers to
explain the concept of networking.
13Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Working Principle
- It is practically impossible by a single
microcontroller to handle input action, display
and output which are located way apart. - The system uses a combination of three
microcontrollers for this purpose. - One is used to operate the load.
- second one is used to display output on LCD
display . - The third one is used to take user input through
a keypad.
14Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Working Principle
- Consider a situation which requires 15
connections for a display unit from
microcontroller, and 7 connections from keypad. - So instead of using single microprocessor and
multicore cables for kilometers. - We use a single cable and more microcontrollers
to simplify the working and reduce costs.
15Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
- It is a smaller computer
- Has on-chip RAM, ROM, I/O ports. etc..
16Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
17Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Multi Microcontroller Networking System
- Our system aims at connecting and coordinating
multiple microcontrollers in order to achieve the
desired output. - Increasing number of microcontrollers are used
these days for various industrial and domestic
18Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Designing The Communications Microcontroller
- Microcontrollers
- Main Microcontroller i.MX31 from Freescale
- Communications Microcontroller LPC2194/01 from
NXP - Low Level Microcontroller LPC2194/01 from NXP
19Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
- Communication Protocols
- Main to Communications Full Speed USB
- Communications to Low Level CAN Bus
20Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Power Supply
- A DC Power Supply Unit (commonly called a PSU)
deriving power from the AC mains (line) supply
performs a number of tasks - It changes (in most cases reduces) the level of
supply to a value suitable for driving the load
circuit. - It produces a DC supply from the mains (or line)
supply AC sine wave. - It prevents any AC from appearing at the supply
21Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Parts of a Power Supply
- The output voltage is kept at a constant level,
independent of changes in - The AC supply voltage at the supply input.
- Â The Load current drawn from the supply output.
- Â Temperature.
22Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Power Supply
23Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
- It is a electro magnetic switch.
- Used to control the electrical
- devices.
- Copper core magnetic flux plays main
- role here.
24Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
- The relay's switch connections are usually
labeled COM, NC and NO - COM Common, always connect to this it is the
moving part of the itch. - NC Normally Closed, COM is connected to this
when the relay coil is off. - NO Normally Open, COM is connected to this
when the relay coil is on .
25Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
BC547 (NPN Transistor)
- The BC547 transistor is an NPN Epitaxial Silicon
Transistor. - It is used in general-purpose switching and
amplification BC847/BC547 series 45 V, 100 mA NPN
general-purpose transistors.
26Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
BC547 (NPN Transistor)
- The ratio of two currents (Ic/Ib) is called the
DC Current Gain of the device and is given the
symbol of hfe or nowadays Beta, (ß).
27Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
BC547 (NPN Transistor)
- The current gain from the emitter to the
collector terminal, Ic/Ie, is called Alpha, (a),
and is a function of the transistor itself.
28Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
- Most common LCDs connected to the
microcontrollers are 16x2 and 20x2 displays. - This means 16 characters per line by 2 lines and
20 characters per line by 2 lines, respectively. - The standard is referred to as HD44780U.
- It refers to the controller chip which receives
data from an external source (and communicates
directly with the LCD.
29Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
- If an 8-bit data bus is used the LCD will require
11 data lines (3 control lines plus the 8 lines
for the data bus). - The three control lines are referred to as EN,
RS, and RW.
30Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Diagram
31Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
- This technology is widely used in modern
32Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
Future Enhancement
- This project being based on serial communication
can be enhanced by using wireless communication
among the controllers by avoiding costly cabling.
33Networking of Multiple Microcontrollers
- We have learned how multiple microcontrollers can
be connected in a simple networking system to get
the desired output. These type of networking of
multiple microcontrollers are used in many areas
like industrial and domestic areas.