Title: Why Every Startup Should Bootstrap?
1Why Every Startup Should Bootstrap Harvard
Business Review
2Though taking money from investors might seem
like the path to success, bootstrapping has
several advantages. First, it helps you to stay
scrappy and to realize talents you may not know
you even had. Second, and counterintuitively, it
can help attract the right talent.
3And, finally, it helps you maintain control of
your company while finding the right partners to
help you scale.When you bootstrap, you are
forced to get good fast. As humans, we prefer to
put in only as much effort as we need to, but
whether we recognize it or not, we all have extra
4Sometimes its not until things get really tough
that we find the gears that allow us to shift
into overdrive that is what bootstrapping does
for you. Admittedly, it is hard, but it forces
you to get creative with your strategy and come
up with solutions you would never have thought
5Learning to improvise like that is essential to
startup success, and its hard to learn unless
its forced upon you. Bootstrapping does just
that.It also helps attract talent. If youre
bootstrapping, you probably dont have enough
cash or cachet to attract high-profile talent.
6Early on, bootstrapping companies arent able to
hire candidates with tons of experience. Instead,
they attract people who are willing to bet on
themselves and on your vision.