Title: Digital Billboard Advertising
1Specializing in LED Display Technology
Technology Revenue Software Business
2 Revenue Program
LED Sign Supply is pleased to offer LED
advertising revenue opportunities for the
programmable signs that we have available for
business owners to purchase.
3ImageStar Software
VideoStar Software
LED Media Software
LED Sign Supply Inc. has developed and engineered
our in house user friendly software for use in
digital message signs used in advertising and
- Perfect for displaying text
- Accepts common formats
- Fast upload
- Easy to use
- Master to slave
- Instant playback
- Affordable
- 100 Uptime and perfect for third party
advertising - Works through Web, Wireless
- Load up hundreds of media files in one click
- Supports all common file types
- Add text effects in a few clicks
4Contact Us
LED Sign Supply Inc. Head Office 4240 118th Ave
SE Calgary, AB T2Z-4A4 Phone 403 726 9260 Fax
403 726 0428 sales_at_ledsignsupply.com Website