Title: Company Registration Lebanon
1Lebanon offers tempting opportunities when it
comes to companies incorporation and setup. There
are not limits to the foreign ownership in
Lebanese companies except where stipulated
otherwise by law.
For more details, visit http//companyregistratio
2 Limited Liability Company
A Limited Liability Company also know as LLC is
governed by Decree-Law No. 35 of August 5, 1967
and is commonly referred to in Lebanon as S.A.R.L
(this is the French equivalent of L.L.C). An
S.A.R.L is founded by at least three partners and
this number of partners can go up to 20. An LLC
minimum capital is set at five million Lebanese
Pounds (approximately USD 3,333), noting that
contributions may be in-kind or in-cash.
Virtual Office Lebanon
Legal Services Lebanon
For more details, visit http//companyregistratio
3Joint Stock Company
The Company management is entrusted to the board
of directors which elects amongst its members a
president. Board directors are elected by the
general assembly of shareholders. Number of board
members is fixed between a minimum of 3 and a
maximum of 12 and the majority of board members
should be of Lebanese nationality.
For more details, visit http//companyregistratio
Address Beirut, Badaro District E-mail
Info_at_lccleb.com Tel 961 78 888 901
For more details, visit http//companyregistratio