Title: Enterprise resource planning solutions (1)
1Welcome To Microlabs Pte Ltd
- Grow Your Business With best ERP Solutions
2Our Company
Microlabs Pte Ltd is based in Singapore, focused
to serve business like yours with a complete
solution that can help you grow your business.
We treat your business defies as our own and
offer ready-for-use or tailored solutions to
reduce redundancy and lift productivity.
3Our Services
Enterprise Resource Planning
Our Services
Microsoft Dynamics Navision
Document Automation
Business Intelligence Software
4Our Services
Enterprise Resource Planning
Every business is said to be successful if there
is rise in revenue and reduction in unnecessary
cost. One way to achieve this is by appropriate
planning of companys available resources such as
manpower, material and machinery. Enterprise
Resource Planning Singapore, facilitate this
process. We The Microlabs provides
industry specific ERP Solutions to benefit your
business at its best.
5Our Services
Fashion Industry
Leather Apparel Industry
Industry Specific ERP Solutions
Tanning Industry
Production Tracking
6Our Services
Request A Demo
7Contact Us
Microlabs Pte Ltd 1013, Geylang East Avenue
3,01-140, Singapore 389728Tel 65 6844
0558 Website http//microlabs.com.sg