Writing a commentary AS English - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Writing a commentary AS English


AS English Commentary Writing – PowerPoint PPT presentation

Number of Views:87
Slides: 11
Provided by: markboodie
Category: Other


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Writing a commentary AS English

  • Identifying Language Features

Passage 4
  • Most of the Thames Valley Police personnel were
    ever wont to pounce quickly upon any newspaper
    clipping concerning their competence, or alleged
    lack of competence.

Writers Purpose
  • To criticize the Thames Valley Police and make
    them seem petty and incompetent.

Identifying Vocabulary
  • Wont meaning  in the habit of doing something
  • Pounce suggestive of an animal jumping suddenly
    on something
  • Competence, or alleged lack of competence

  • Wont implies an accustomed behaviour. The way it
    is used, preceded by the word ever, seems to
    suggest a petty and puerile attitude towards
    protecting their reputation.

  • Pounce is metaphoric an action usually ascribed
    to an animal of prey. In this case it seems to
    suggest an eagerness or rather over eagerness on
    the part of the police in an effort to protect
    their reputation. This makes the reader feel that
    this eagerness should better be applied to
    catching criminals.

  • Competence or lack of competence the coupling of
    the word competence in this phrase is a direct
    criticism of the competence of the police. In
    fact the phrase is designed to call into question
    the competence of the police.

Sample Response
  • This extract is probably from a news paper
    article or editorial. The purpose of the writer
    is to ridicule the Thames Valley Police. The tone
    is lightly critical with a touch of humour. This
    is achieved with the use of the words ever wont
    and pounce to refer to the polices efforts to
    quell criticism against them and in the final
    phrase that suggest that they are incompetent.

Sample Response Continued
  • The phrase ever wont belittles the behaviour of
    the police and makes their efforts to quell
    criticism against them seem petty and narrow
    minded. Pounce underpins this behaviour and makes
    the Thames Valley Police appear ridiculous. It
    subtly suggest that the police should be applying
    this eagerness to catching criminals.

Sample Commentary Continued
  • The antithetical  phrase that concludes the final
    sentences completes the writers purpose and
    calls into question the competence of the police
    force though the word alleged cleverly seems to
    suggest that the criticism is someone else's.
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