Title: Anthony Harrelson: FDA Approval
1Anthony Harrelson FDA Approval
2Anthony Harrelson is developing a new drug that
will eventually have to be presented to the FDA
for review and approvals. The FDA is a government
ran branch that does not concern itself with
profits, which is what helps it to keep the
integrity of the system. The FDA even provides
guidance to pharmaceutical companies during the
various stages of the human clinical trials. This
is because they have extensive experience with
this, which helps newer companies especially to
get through the process.
3Anthony Harrelson has been attempting to develop
new drugs that are designed to combat HIV and the
Ebola virus. As a result, he will have to
eventually face the FDA for approval of such
drugs after some clinical trials. Even just to
get to human trials and testing, the drug must
first pass the testing on animals. The FDA also
can pull the plug at virtually any time
throughout the drugs development. This is to
assure the consumers overall safety.
4Anthony Harrelson knows that in order to get his
drug successfully on the market, he will have to
pass the FDA process. What can complicate this
matter is the fact that even after a drug is
approved, a drug can have adverse effects that
were unforeseen. This is because it is impossible
to know how the drug will react with a variety of
other household drugs or allergies. That is why
the FDA can still take the drug off of the
shelves at any time they believe it is a danger
to the populous.
5Anthony Harrelson knows that obtaining the
approval of the FDA for the development of a drug
can be difficult, but it is worth it in the end.
That is because all of the great strides in
medical history first had to endure a time of
doubt and speculation. The ones that can hold up
through this doubt however, go on to make the
world a better and brighter place.
6Thank You