Title: Playstation 4 Magazine
1PlayStation is a video game console developed by
Sony. The first PlayStation was released in 1994,
followed by PlayStation 2 (PS2) in 2000 and
PlayStation 3 (PS3) in 2006.
2PlayStation 4 Magazine
PlayStation 4 Magazine is an online magazine and
a website who keep records everything about
PlayStation. Read reviews and learn more about
PlayStation4Magazine - Sony PlayStation 4 Games,
PlayStation 4 News Update, Ps4 Game Release Dates
and magazine.
3PlayStation 4 News Update
The Sony PlayStation 4 console is finally getting
a PS4 Media Player app. Sony made the
announcement on its blog even before its major E3
press conference began. PlayStation 3 users who
upgraded to PlayStation 4, and missed the Media
Player app can now rejoice. Its still quite
unclear why Sony skipped the app on the
next-generation console.
4Ps4 Games 2015 List
Citizens of
Earth Dying Light
Evolve Game of
Thrones Episode 2 The Lost Lords Grim
Fandango Remastered Ironclad Tactics
Life is Strange Episode 1 Monopoly Plus
Monopoly Deal Motorcycle Club
Minutes Resident Evil
5Visit www.playstation4magazine.com for more