Title: Nandhavanam
1Nandhavanam_ The scene begins at police
headquarters with Suhana, her dad, Ishan and
child. Suhana requests that police men care
for the infant precisely. Suhana requests
all offices accommodated infant must be
hygienic and spotless. She doubted more
about the residence and nourishment for
child. Ceaselessly she was addressing and the
policemen solicited her wife to fare thee well
from child. After that likewise Suhana addressed
about bedtime song and diaper evolving. She
declined to leave the child there on the off
chance that she doesn't get fitting answers.
Police men got irate on Suhana's requests and
persistent inquiries. The policeman is by all
accounts as of now had a choice in his
psyche. Next scene begins at Ishan's home.
Ishan's mom pondering about the progressions
child's landing and changes happen at home, and
she was tiny bit stressed on the grounds that all
these happened on Ishan's birthday and infront of
his sister and father as well. They never expect
Suhana's conduct like this. Ishan's sister
told that she was in extraordinary
apprehension that, this time Kajani would
without a doubt leave home. In any case,
she was feeling great as a result of Kajani's
response was very little awful. Cleaning
specialist at home express her suspected that
there was some issue in Kajani's brain. She was
carrying on in an unexpected way. Meanwhile
Kajani was feeling terrible about what happened
earlier day. Everybody persuades her
that everything will be okay soon.
Nisha communicates her bliss on having the
child. She feels like a mother when she got the
child on hands. Servant approached reason
for what she told about Kajani when her ace
chastens her and clarify reality. Kajani
portrayed Suhana as a pixie which came
to satisfy Nisha's fantasies. For Nisha's
bliss just she had done everything. They feel
exceptionally cheerful about Suhana's work
for Nisha. Hilesh was stressed over
the circumstance on having other's child.
The police would capture them on the child
robbery case. Be that as it may, thank god senior
citizens at home went to
2handover the child to police. The circumstance
took care of well by older folks at home. Nisha
was on high delicate inclination, she feels
extremely glad on having child. She just feels
like a pleased mother. Hilesh and Kajani
persuaded her that everything would be alright
soon. Amid this discussion, there was an
infant crying outside. Suhana gets everybody to
turn out from their rooms. The scene closes with
everybody's astounding face on seeing the child
which Suhana took back to home. http//vijaytamils