Title: Dr Bijan Golyan
1Dr Bijan Golyan, Dr Faraidoon Daniel Golyan, Dr
Joseph Golyan
2Dr Bijan Golyan, Faraidoon Daniel, Joseph,
Kourosh David Golyan
- Cardiologists diagnose and treat heart disease,
such as congenital heart defects, coronary artery
disease, heart rhythm disorders and heart failure.
3Dr Bijan Golyan, Dr Faraidoon Daniel Golyan, Dr
Joseph Golyan, Kourosh David Golyan, Sinai
Northshore Medical Group, Sinai Northshore Med
Assocs Bijan Golyan DO, Faraidoon Golyan DO,
Joseph Golyan DO, Kourosh Golyan, David Golyan,
Daniel Golyan, Golyan Holding LLC, Natdan
Cardiologist, Gastroenterologist, Internist
Overcharge, Bankrupt, Malpractice, Negligent,
Money centered, Debt Collection Agency Forest
Hills, Great Neck New York
4- Dr. Faraidoon Golyan is a cardiologist in Forest
Hills, New York and is affiliated with multiple
hospitals in the area, including Forest Hills
Hospital and North Shore University Hospital. He
received his medical degree from New York College
of Osteopathic Medicine and has been in practice
for 25 years. He is one of 22 doctors at Forest
Hills Hospital and one of 233 at North Shore
University Hospital who specialize in
Cardiovascular Disease.