Title: WBI Risk Analysis
1Instruments and Approaches in Risk Analysis
Session 3 Dr. Bijan Khazai
Risk Analysis Fundamentals of Risk Analysis
2Learning objectives
- Learn
- Probabilistic concept of risk.
- Concepts of return period, loss-frequency curve,
average annual loss. - Sources of uncertainty in risk analysis.
- Understand
- Difference between probabilistic and
deterministic risk analysis. - Outcomes of a scenario analysis.
- Depiction and ranking of risk through risk matrix
and risk indexing. - Components of a loss estimation model.
- Methodology of a cost-benefit analysis.
- Uses of a participatory risk analysis.
- There are two approaches to defining risk
- Probabilistic Approach
- Risk is defined as the likelihood (i.e.,
probability) of sustaining a certain level of
loss during a given time period. - Risk Probability of an event occurring x impact
of the event - Deterministic Approach
- The geographical distribution of the severity of
loss due to the occurrence of a postulated event
(i.e., Scenario).
4Probabilistic Risk Analysis
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment answers three basic
questions - What and where are the initiators or initiating
events? - What and how severe are the potential
consequences? - How likely will these consequences occur
(probability or frequency)? - In a PRA, risk is characterized by two
quantities - The magnitude (severity) of possible adverse
consequences - The likelihood (probability) of occurrence of
each consequence
Value and Fragility of Exposed Assets
Probability earthquake intensity will be exceeded
during a particular time period (T 200 yrs)
Probable losses (Billions Euros)
- Estimating risk is fraught with lots of
uncertainty. - Dealing with uncertainty is the essence of risk
analysis.. - Uncertainty is the state of having limited
knowledge. - In probabilistic risk analysis, we can account
for uncertainty. - Uncertainties are inherent (for example) in
6Return Period
- Return period also known as a recurrence interval
is an estimate of the interval of time between
events. - An event with a 100-year recurrence interval will
on average only occur once every 100 years.
- Return period (RP) is the inverse of the
probability that the event will be exceeded in
any one year (Exceedance Probability, EP).
Return Period, in years (RP) Probability of occurrence in any given year Annual Probability of Exceedance (EP) Probability of Exceedance in 50 years
500 1 in 500 0.2 10
200 1 in 200 0.5 25
100 1 in 100 1 50
50 1 in 50 2 100
10 1 in 10 10 500
7Exceedance Probability Curve
- The key relationship in managing risk is the
exceedance probability (loss frequency) curve,
which represents the relationship between
frequency (Exceedence Probability) and severity
(amount of losses). - Area under curve Average Annual Losses (AAL)
AAL ? probability that event occurs loss
associated with event
rare events, apply with caution!
Annual Probability of Exceedance ()
100 year loss (1 EP) US 125 million
Loss Amount (US Million)
8Multiple Risk Mapping - AAL
- Average Annual Loss (AAL) presents a rational way
to integrate risk associated with various
hazards. - An AAL value is calculated in each cell for any
desired factor (e.g., Loss of housing units,
economic loss, casualty, etc.).
Cell Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard
Cell Earthquake (AAL) Earthquake (AAL) Earthquake (AAL) Flood (AAL) Flood (AAL) Flood (AAL) Earthquake Flood (AAL) Earthquake Flood (AAL) Earthquake Flood (AAL)
Cell Housing Units Economic Loss (1000) Casualties Housing Economic Loss (1000) Casualties Housing Units Economic Loss (1000) Casualties
1 10 150 5 5 90 3 15 240 8
2 15 300 14 25 50 15 40 350 29
3 30 130 20 5 70 6 35 200 26
4 1 20 5 10 20 8 11 40 13
5 0 35 0 27 14 15 27 49 15
6 5 12 2 4 10 2 9 22 4
7 8 50 1 7 35 1 15 85 2
Total 69 697 47 83 289 50 152 986 97
9Risk Matrix Analysis
- Risk Matrix presents a visual two-dimensional
display of the ranking of the risk for a
region - frequency and severity scale that is relevant to
the region of interest . - The scale will help in interpreting historical
experience and translating expert opinion in a
consistent manner. - It is a simple approach for setting priorities.
10Scenario Analysis
- A deterministic risk analysis or a scenario
analysis is the process of analyzing the
consequences - damages, losses or impacts - from
a single postulated hazard event, e.g. a
scenario. - Choice between a probabilistic risk analysis and
scenario analysis depends on the aims of the
study. - Scenarios Analysis (scenarios such as the worst
case scenario) can be used in establishing a
disaster risk management plan. - Scenario events are not meant predict the next
event. - Different scenarios should be simulated to
develop a comprehensive understanding of the
potential impacts.
11Loss Estimation Models
Loss estimation software packages can be used to
identify the risk profiles and risk parameters of
a region under the simulated events and display
them in maps.
12Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Cost-Benefit analysis (CBA) is a systematic
procedure for evaluating decisions that have an
impact on society. - CBA provides comparison between the upfront
investment costs of mitigation and the benefits
of mitigation. - CBA uses results of risk analysis to ensure
effectiveness of protective measures by - Balancing the various interests of the
stakeholders, - Considering the reasonability (or utility) of
measures, and - Enabling consensus on strategies and measures to
reduce risks - Clarify objectives
- At outset, check objectives of conducting a CBA.
- Combination of scoping exercises, shared learning
dialogues and more qualitative.
13Cost-Benefit Analysis Methodology
- Cost-Benefit Analysis in the context of DRM
requires - Assessment of risk, and
- Assessment of avoided risks.
- Hazard
- Intensity
- Recurrence
Analysis of risk reduction potential impacts
with risk management
Risk Analysis potential impacts without risk
- Vulnerability
- Exposure
- Fragility
- Capacities
Net benefits Reduction of the potential
impacts less Cost of risk reduction
Source Mechler, Reihnard
14Participative Risk Analysis
- A Participatory Risk Analysis is carried out with
the participation of an affected target groups in
cooperation with the experts and decision makers. - Participatory Appraisal sociological approach
of rapid, action-oriented assessment of local
knowledge, needs, and potentials.
Source GTZ, Reconstruction after Hurricane Stan
- PRA can be used in
- development of disaster emergency plans,
- arrangement and introduction of early warning
systems for flooding - implementation of disaster prevention exercises,
- development of prevention-based planning methods,
in which risk analysis is part of the planning
- Probabilistic concepts
- Uncertainty, Return Period, Exceedance
Probability, Loss-Frequency Curve, AAL. - Probabilistic Risk Analysis
- All potential impacts corresponding to a specific
return period is assessed. - Scenario (or Deterministic) Analysis/Loss
Estimation Models - Impact assessed for a postulated event over a
defined spatial area. - Risk Indexing/Mapping
- Key indicators of risk are aggregated in order to
set priorities. - Risk Matrix Analysis
- Visual two-dimensional display of the ranking
of the risk. - Cost Benefit Analysis
- Upfront investment costs of mitigation vs. the
benefits of mitigation. - Participative Risk Analysis