Fundamentals of Mobile communication - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fundamentals of Mobile communication


This topic gives the basics of Mobile communication – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fundamentals of Mobile communication

Unit 1
  • Fundamentals of Wireless Communication

Wireless Communication
  • Transmitting voice and data using electromagnetic
    waves in open space
  • Electromagnetic waves
  • Travel at speed of light (c 3x108 m/s)
  • Has a frequency (f) and wavelength (l)
  • c f x l
  • Higher frequency means higher energy photons
  • The higher the energy photon the more penetrating
    is the radiation

Electromagnetic Spectrum
Cosmic Rays
Radio Spectrum
1MHz 100m100MHz 1m 10GHz 1cm
Visible light
lt 30 KHz VLF30-300KHz
LF 300KHz 3MHz MF3 MHz 30MHz
HF 30MHz 300MHz VHF 300 MHz 3GHz
UHF 3-30GHz SHF gt 30 GHz
Guglielmo Marconi, 1897
  • Radios ability to provide continuous contact
    with ships sailing in English channel

Evolution of mobile radio communication
  • Historically the growth of communication field
    was slow
  • coupled by technological developments
  • Bell laboratories developed concept of wireless
    communication to entire population in 1960
  • Highly reliable, miniature, solid state frequency
    hardware wireless era was born in 1970s

Evolution of Mobile Radio Communications
  • Mobile Radiotelephone in the U.S.
  • In 1934, AM mobile communication systems for
    municipal police radio systems.
  • vehicle ignition noise was a major problem.
  • In 1946, FM mobile communications for the first
    public mobile telephone service
  • Each system used a single, high-powered
    transmitter and large tower to cover distances of
    over 50 km.
  • Used 120 kHz of RF bandwidth in a half-duplex
    mode. (push-to-talk release-to-listen systems.)
  • Large RF bandwidth was largely due to the
    technology difficulty (in mass-producing tight RF
    filter and low-noise, front-end receiver
  • In 1950, the channel bandwidth was cut in half to
    60kHZ due to improved technology.

  • By the mid 1960s, the channel bandwidth again was
    cut to 30 kHZ.
  • Thus, from WWII to the mid 1960s, the spectrum
    efficiency was improved only a factor of 4 due to
    the technology advancements.
  • Also in 1950s and 1960s, automatic channel
    truncking was introduced in IMTS(Improved Mobile
    Telephone Service.)
  • offering full duplex, auto-dial, auto-trunking
  • became saturated quickly
  • By 1976, has only twelve channels and could only
    serve 543 customers in New York City of 10
    millions populations.

  • Cellular radiotelephone
  • Developed in 1960s by Bell Lab and others
  • The basic idea is to reuse the channel frequency
    at a sufficient distance to increase the spectrum
  • But the technology was not available to implement
    until the late 1970s. (mainly the microprocessor
    and DSP technologies.)
  • In 1983, AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System,
    IS-41) deployed by Ameritech in Chicago.
  • 40 MHz spectrum in 800 MHz band
  • 666 channels ( 166 channels), per Fig 1.2.
  • Each duplex channel occupies gt 60 kHz (3030)
    FDMA to maximize capacity.
  • Two cellular providers in each market.

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  • In late 1991, U.S. Digital Cellular (USDC, IS-54)
    was introduced.
  • to replace AMPS analog channels
  • 3 times of capacity due to the use of digital
    modulation ( DQPSK), speech coding, and TDMA
  • could further increase up to 6 times of capacity
    given the advancements of DSP and speech coding
  • In mid 1990s, Code Division Multiple Access
    (CDMA, IS-95) was introduced by Qualcomm.
  • based on spread spectrum technology.
  • supports 6-20 times of users in 1.25 MHz shared
    by all the channels.
  • each associated with a unique code sequence.
  • operate at much smaller SNR.(FdB)

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  • Mobile Radio Systems Around the World

  • Examples of Mobile Radio Systems

Examples of mobile radio system
  • Classification of mobile radio transmission
  • Simplex communication in only one direction
  • Half-duplex same radio channel for both
    transmission and reception (push-to-talk)
  • Full-duplex simultaneous radio transmission and
    reception (FDD, TDD)
  • Frequency division duplexing uses two radio
  • Forward channel base station to mobile user
  • Reverse channel mobile user to base station
  • Time division duplexing shares a single radio
    channel in time.

  • In FDD,
  • a device, called a duplexer, is used inside the
    subscriber unit to enable the same antenna to be
    used for simultaneous transmission and reception.
  • to facilitate FDD, it is necessary to separate
    the XMIT and RCVD frequencies by about 5 of the
    nominal RF frequency, so that the duplexer can
    provide sufficient isolation while being
    inexpensively manufactured.
  • In TDD,
  • only possible with digital transmission format
    and digital modulation.
  • very sensitive to timing. Consequently, only used
    for indoor or small area wireless applications.

Paging Systems
  • Conventional paging system send brief messages to
    a subscriber
  • Modern paging system news headline, stock
    quotations, faxes, etc.
  • Simultaneously broadcast paging message from each
    base station (simulcasting)
  • Large transmission power to cover wide area.

Cordless Telephone System
  • Cordless telephone systems are full duplex
    communication systems.
  • First generation cordless phone
  • in-home use
  • communication to dedicated base unit
  • few tens of meters
  • Second generation cordless phone
  • outdoor
  • combine with paging system
  • few hundred meters per station

Cellular Telephone Systems
  • Provide connection to the PSTN for any user
    location within the radio range of the system.
  • Characteristic
  • Large number of users
  • Large Geographic area
  • Limited frequency spectrum
  • Reuse of the radio frequency by the concept of
  • Basic cellular system mobile stations, base
    stations, and mobile switching center.

  • Communication between the base station and
    mobiles is defined by the standard common air
    interface (CAI)
  • forward voice channel (FVC) voice transmission
    from base station to mobile
  • reverse voice channel (RVC) voice transmission
    from mobile to base station
  • forward control channels (FCC) initiating mobile
    call from base station to mobile
  • reverse control channel (RCC) initiating mobile
    call from mobile to base station

  • How a Cellular Telephone Call is Made

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Cellular systems generations
  • 1G (first generation) voice-oriented systems
    based on analog technology ex. Advanced Mobile
    Phone Systems (AMPS) and cordless systems
  • 2G (second generation) - voice-oriented systems
    based on digital technology more efficient and
    used less spectrum than 1G ex. Global System
    for Mobile (GSM) and US Time Division Multiple
    Access (US-TDMA)
  • 3G (third generation) high-speed voice-oriented
    systems integrated with data services ex.
    General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), Code
    Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
  • 4G (fourth generation) still experimental, not
    deployed yet based on Internet protocol networks
    and will provide voice, data and multimedia
    service to subscribers

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High speed wireless technologies
Cellular System Design Fundamentals
  • Traditional mobile service
  • similar to television broadcasting
  • powerful transmitter located at the highest spot
  • in an area
  • broadcast in a radius of up to 50 kilometers.
  • Drawbacks
  • High power consumption
  • Large size of the mobile
  • Low capacity

Cellular Concept
  • replacing, a single, high power transmitter with
    many low power transmitters
  • each providing coverage to only small portion of
    the service area

Cellular Networks
  • Multiple low-power transmitters (100 W or less)
    are used
  • The service area is divided into cells
  • Each cell is served by its own antenna
  • Each base station consists of a transmitter, a
    receiver, and control unit
  • Base station placed in the middle or at the
    border of the cell
  • Each base station is allocated a certain
    frequency band (frequency allocation)

Cellular geometrics
  • Adjacent circles cannot be overlaid upon a map
    without leaving gaps or creating overlapping
  • Actual radio coverage of a cell is known as
    footprint and is determined from field
    measurements or propagation prediction models
  • Square, equilateral triangle, hexagon

Cellular geometrics
  • For a given distance between the center of a
    polygon and its farthest perimeter points, the
    hexagon has the largest area
  • the fewest number of cells can cover a geographic
    region, and hexagon closely approximates a
    circular radiation pattern
  • A group of radio channels to be used within a
    small geographic area called cell

Cellular Geometries
  • Cells are classified based on their sizes
  • Macrocells with radius of 1km or more (wide area)
  • Hexagonal shape cells
  • Microcells with radius of 100m or more (cities)
  • Hexagonal shape cells
  • Manhattan (city) type cell structure
  • Picocells with radius in the meters (indoor)
  • Shape depends on the room

Cellular Geometries
  • The most common model used for wireless networks
    is uniform hexagonal shape areas
  • A base station with omni-directional antenna is
    placed in the middle of the cell

Design of Wireless Networks
  • The design is done in two steps
  • Area coverage planning
  • Channel (Frequency) allocation
  • Outage area
  • Coverage area

Frequency Reuse
  • An efficient way of managing the radio spectrum
    is by reusing the same frequency, within the
    service area, as often as possible
  • This frequency reuse is possible thanks to the
    propagation properties of radio waves
  • By limiting the coverage area to within the
    boundaries of a cell, the same groups of channels
    may be used to cover different cells that are
    separated from one another by distances large
    enough to keep the interference levels within
    tolerable limits

Frequency reuse
  • is a method used by service providers to improve
    the efficiency of a cellular network and to serve
    millions of subscribers using a limited radio
  • is based on the fact that after a distance a
    radio wave gets attenuated and the signal falls
    bellow a point where it can no longer be used or
    cause any interference
  • a transmitter transmitting in a specific
    frequency range will have only a limited coverage
  • beyond this coverage area, that frequency can be
    reused by another transmitter

Frequency Reuse
  • A cluster of cells is formed
  • Divide the total number of channels (frequencies)
    between the cells of the cluster.
  • All the channels within the cluster are
  • No interference between cells of the same cluster
  • Cluster is repeated over the service area
  • The distance between the clusters is called the
    reuse distance D
  • The design reduces to finding D!

Frequency reuse concept
  • Consider cellular system with S duplex channels
  • let each cell be allocated a group of k
    channels(klts) and if the S channels
  • are divided among N cells.
  • Available radio channels can be expressed as
  • S
  • The N cells which collectively use the complete
    set of available
  • frequencies is called a cluster.
  • If it is replicated M times within the system,
    total no.of duplex
  • channels
  • C, can be used as a measure of capacity and is
    given by
  • C

  • MS
  • N Cluster size and typically equal to 4,7,12.

From geometry of hexagons is such that the
number of cells per Cluster, N, can only have
the values which satisfy equation
N i2 ij j2 i
and j are non-negative integers. N can have
the values of 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 13,19,
19-cell reuse example (N19, i3, j2)
  • To find the nearest co-channel of a neighboring
  • Move i cells along any chain of hexagons.
  • Turn 60 degrees counter clockwise.
  • Move j cell.

  • Frequency reuse implies that in a given coverage
    area there are several cells that use the same
    set of frequencies
  • These cells are called co-channel cells and
    interference between signals from these cells is
    called co-channel interference
  • A larger cluster size causes the ratio between
    the cell radius and the distance between the
    co-channel cells to decrease, leading to weaker
    co-channel interference
  • To reduce co-channel interference, co-channel
    cells must be physically separated by a minimum
    distance to provide sufficient isolation due to
  • Co-channel interference ratio is independent of
    the transmitted power and becomes a function of
    the radius of the cell (R) and the distance
    between the centers of the nearest co-channel
    cells (D)

Frequency Reuse
  • For hexagonal cells, the number of cells in the
    cluster is given by

  • The parameter Q is called the co-channel reuse
    ratio is related to the cluster size
  • For a hexagonal geometry QD/Rv(3N) a small
    value of Q provides larger capacity since the
    cluster size is small
  • whereas a large value of Q improves the
    transmission quality, due to smaller level of
    co-channel interference

Allocation of channels
  • Each Base station is allocated a portion of total
    number of channels available to the entire
    system, and nearby base stations are assigned
    different groups of channels to minimize the
    interference between base stations.

Channel assignment strategies
Fixed channel assignment Each cell is allocated a
predetermined set of voice channels. Any call
attempt within the cells can only be served by
unused channels in that particular cell. If all
the channels in the cell are occupied, the call
is blocked and the subscriber does not receive
service. Fixed assignment with borrowing Before
a call is blocked, a BS might try to borrow" a
channel from a neighbouring BS. Dynamic channel
assignment The voice channels are not allocated
to different cells permanently, instead each time
a call request is made, the serving base station
request a channel from the mobile switching
Handoff strategies
  • When a mobile moves into a different cell while a
    conversation is in progress, the MSC
    automatically transfers the call to a new channel
    belonging to the new base station.
  • This handoff operation not only involves
    identifying a new base station, but also requires
    that the voice and control signals be allocated
    to channels associated with the new base station.

Handoffs the basics
  • In the first generation analog cellular systems,
    Signal strength Measurements are made by the base
    station to determine the relative location of
    each mobile user with respect to the base
  • In second generation systems that use digital
    TDMA technology,handoff decisions are made mobile
    assisted handoff (MAHO). Every mobile station
    measures the received power from surrounding base
    stations and continually reports the results of
    these measurements to the serving base station. A
    handoff is initiated when the power received from
    the base station of a neighboring cell begins to
    exceed the power received from the current base
    station by a certain level or for a certain
    period of time.

Prioritizing handoffs
  • Guard channel concept
  • In this a fraction of total available
    channels in a cell is reserved exclusively for
    handoff requests from ongoing calls which may be
    handed off into the cell.
  • Queuing of handoff requests is another method
  • to decrease the probability of forced
    termination of a call due to lack of available

Practical handoff considerations
  • Using different antenna heights and different
    power levels it is possible to provide large and
    small cells which are co-located at a single
    location. This technique is called umbrella cell
    approach and is used to provide large area
    coverage to high speed users while providing
    small area coverage to users traveling at low
  • The umbrella cell approach ensures that the
    number of handoffs in minimized for high speed
    users and provides additional microcell channels
    for pedestrian users.

Hard handoff and soft handoff
  • Hard handoff When the signal strength of a
    neighboring cell exceeds that of the current
    cell, plus a threshold, the mobile station is
    instructed to switch to a new frequency band that
    is within the allocation of the new cell.
  • Soft handoff a mobile station is temporarily
    connected to more than one base station
    simultaneously. A mobile unit may start out
    assigned to a single cell. If the unit enters a
    region in which the transmissions from two base
    stations are comparable (within some threshold of
    each other), the mobile unit enters the soft
    handoff state in which it is connected to the two
    base stations. The mobile unit remains in this
    state until one base station clearly
    predominates, at which time it is assigned
    exclusively to that cell.

Co-channel reuse ratio
  • Assuming same cell size and that the base
    stations transmit the same power
  • The Co-channel interference ratio becomes
    independent of the Transmitted power and becomes
    function of Radius of the cell (R) and Distance
    between centers of the nearest co-channel cells

You are trying to design a cellular network that
will cover an area of at least 2800 km2. There
are K300 available voice channels. Your design
is required to support at least 100 concurrent
calls in each cell. If the co-channel cell centre
distance is required to be 9 km, how many base
stations will you need in this network?
  • If 100 concurrent voice calls must be supported
    in each cell, each cell must be allocated 100
    voice channels.
  • This necessitates the frequency re-use factor, N,
    to be 300/1003.
  • The distance between co-channel cell centres D is
    related to R and N via the formula
  • D 9 km, then, R 3 km
  • cell area is
  • 2800/23.38 120 base stations are required

  • Interference is a major limiting factor in the
    performance of cellular radio system
  • Sources of Interference
  • Another mobile in the same cell
  • A call in progress in a neighboring cell
  • Other base stations operating in the same
    frequency band or
  • Any non cellular system which inadvertently leaks
    energy into the cellular frequency band
  • The two major types of system generated
    interferences are
  • Co-channel interference
  • Adjacent channel interference

Co-channel Adjacent channel Interference
Co-channel interference
Adjacent-channel interference
Co-channel cells
Adjacent-channel cells
Co-channel cells for 7-cell reuse
Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR)
where S desired signal power Ii Interference
power caused by the ith interfering
co-channel cell base station
Assuming that the transmitting power of each
base station is equal and the path loss exponent
same through out the coverage area
io The number of Co-channel interfering cells
and S/I Signal to interference ratio at the
desired mobile receiver
  • Considering first layer of interfering cells. If
    all the
  • interfering base stations are equidistant from
  • desired base station (by D between cell centers)

  • For the case where the mobile unit is at the cell
  • boundary in a 7-cell cluster (the worst case).
    The distances from the co-channel interfering
    cells are approximated to
  • D-R, D and DR .
  • Assuming n 4

the worst case SIR
  • For N7 , Q 4.58 from
  • From
  • (worst case)
  • S/I 49.56 (17 dB)
  • But by using
  • S/I 17.8 dB
  • (average)
  • Hence for a 7-cell cluster, the S/I ratio is
    slightly less that 18 dB in the worst case.

Adjacent Channel Interference
  • What is adjacent channel interference?
  • Interference resulting from signals which are
    adjacent in frequency to desired signal.
  • Why does it occur?
  • This results from imperfect receiver filters
    which allow nearby frequencies to leak into the
    pass band.
  • How can adjacent channel interference be reduced?
  • careful filtering and channel assignment
  • By keeping the frequency separation between each
    channel in a given cell as large as possible
  • By sequentially assigning successive channels in
    the frequency band to different cells

Power Control For Reducing Interference
  • In practical cellular radio and personal
    communication systems the power levels
    transmitted by every subscriber unit are
    controlled by the serving base stations
  • Need for Power Control
  • Received power must be sufficiently above the
    background noise for effective communication
  • Desirable to minimize power in the transmitted
    signal from the mobile. Reduce co-channel
    interference, alleviate health concerns, save
    battery power
  • In Spread Spectrum systems using CDMA, its
    desirable to equalize the received power level
    from all mobile units at the Base station.

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