Title: Paula Poe (1)
1Paula Poe Is An Amazingly Creative Jewelry
2- Paula Poe is an incredibly creative and talented
jewelry designer residing in Paris. - She started off in various facets of the
fashion world running a fashion boutique,
working as a model and now running a jewelry
store. - She discovered her talent of jewelry designing
from the Art Déco and Parisian inspirations.
focus on the importance of jewellery's many
functions physical, symbolic, and conceptual. - Her designing approach is towards metalwork
that mixes utilitarian chic with the natural
world. She specializes in creating
celebrity-driven kind of jewelry.
3- After doing graduation in Bachelors in Art and
Design from a reputed university, Paula Poe
worked as an assistant designer with a famous
jewelry designer in London - She began with her drawings, which are made up
of lots of tiny dots and repetitive patterns. - She got obsessed with creating a texture in pen
or water color and then wanted to do in the
metal. The idea to create jewelry stemmed from a
desire to find pieces that suited her style. She
takes inspiration from geometric shapes,
architectural lines, and structures.
4- From neo-earrings, to pearls, diamonds and gold,
Paula Poe is interested in making bold,
minimalist jewelry. - Her jewelry line reflects the abundant allure
and infinite variety of the oceans, the desert
and other wonders. - Her immensely creative work expresses a rare
artistic expression that is at once raw and
refined, contemporary and explicitly classic. - Designing and creating jewelry became her
passion at the mid of her teenage.
5 Four to five times in a year, Paula releases
a collection of 20 to 30 new pieces, in addition
to exclusive and capsule collections. She
shares her design inspirations and Summer
musings. Bangles, chains, hollowed circles,
oversize loops in shiny 14 carat yellow, white,
and rose gold are some of the exclusive pieces of
her collection.
- http//ppoephoto.weebly.com/