Title: Green Smoothies
1Green Smoothies Weight Loss Recipes
This is for you who want a fast, healthy and
nutritious meal, instead of a regular breakfast,
lunch or dinner. It is fast to make and you can
consume it on the move. This recipe book is also
for you who want a good recovery drink after your
work-out. Learn also of coconut nutrition
benefits and coconut weight loss uses in green
smoothies. WHAT IS COVERED IN THE BOOK This is a
compact book that enables you to master the art
of Green Smoothies in no time. Not only do you
get over 50 fast and easy recipes for delicious
Green Smoothies, you also quickly learn how to
make endless variations of these recipes on your
own. Chapter "Our Own Experience" Youll learn
not only how much weight I lost myself with this
green smoothie weight loss diet, but also of the
other wellness benefits gained by the family.
2Users Experience
My family started drinking healthy green
smoothies in the summer of 2011. One of the
reasons I began drinking green smoothies was to
lose weight. During my 3 pregnancies, I had
gained 44 pounds and had lost only 16 of them
afterwards. A year after starting drinking green
smoothies I was 28 pounds lighter, back to
pre-pregnancy weight again and I have been able
to keep that weight off, with ease!
A Side from the green smoothies, the rest of my
diet is just as befor. I can eat anything I like
as long as I drink my green smoothies. In
addition to my substantial weight loss, it is now
easy for me to keep colds at bay. My body is in a
generally good shape.
3Green Smoothies
Tests have proven that oxidation is slower in
blended smoothies, compared to juices. A green
smoothies can stay fresh in the refrigerator for
2 or 3 days. I learned from Victoria that a
vegetarian diet high in raw veegetable was also
optimal for cancer patients as long as it was
supplemented with omega-3 facts and contained
enough calories to be healthy. Green smoothies
contains chlorophyll, which is very similar to
human blood molecules. Green smoothies help
weight loss primarily by improving metabolism and
decreasing sweet cravings. Improving metabolism
means that the body's cells can take up nutrients
and expel waste products more easily and
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