Title: 4D Ultrasound Vs. 3D Ultrasound
14D Ultrasound Vs. 3D Ultrasound
23D Ultrasound A 3D ultrasound is described as
ultrasounds that use high frequency sound waves
that are picked up from a handheld probe to give
you a picture of your developing fetus, according
to www.pregnancy-info.net.
34D Ultrasound A 4D ultrasound uses the same
technology as a 3D ultrasound but adds a video
element to see the baby moving inside a mothers
4Real Time Element The element that separates 3D
ultrasounds from 4D ultrasounds is real-time
observation, according to www.yourultrasound.com.
With a 4D ultrasound you can see the baby move
inside the womb in real time.
53D/4D Elective Ultrasound Elective ultrasound
studios that offer both 3D and 4D ultrasounds are
popping up everywhere. Although there arent any
major risks known from getting a 3D or 4D
elective ultrasound, it is always a good idea to
check with your doctor before you choose to do
something elective like this during your
63D Diagnostic Ultrasound Typically, the
diagnostic ultrasound done in your doctors
office is a 2D black and white ultrasound.
However, some doctors are now utilizing the 3D
technology to look at the developing fetus and
diagnose any issues or problems in the womb.
7SOURCE www.ehow.com IMAGES