Title: Ultrasound scanning
1Ultrasound scanning
2Ultrasound scanning equipment
3Ultrasound scanning head
4Ultrasound imaging What does it look like?
5Ultrasound imaging development of a pregnancy
24 weeks
8 weeks gestation (out of a 40 week pregnancy)
18 weeks
6Ultrasound imaging foetus feet
This is a 2D ultrasound scan through the foot of
a foetus. You can see some of the bones of the
We can process the image in a computer to find
the outline of the foot. This is called surface
rendering. Here, the foot has been surface
7Ultrasound imaging more surface rendering
8Ultrasound image of foetus used with Chapter 1
- Slides 2 and 3 is from Computer Screens 10S and
slide 8 is from Software Activity 10S of Chapter
1 Imaging, Advancing Physics CD-ROM 2008
Institute of Physics - Slides 4 to 7 are from the PowerPoint Medical
uses of ultrasound published by the Institute of
Physics. The full presentation can be found on
www.teachingmedicalphysics.org.uk where further
information about medical physics can be found. - PowerPoint slides compiled by John Mascall of The
Kings School, Ely -