Title: TC World Newcastle
1TC World Newcastle
2Newcastle team
Oliver Romani Newcastle, Home Efficiency
Oliver joined TC World in December 2012. Until
then, he had been working in a restaurant for two
years, but had never really progressed in the
company. "I left to find something more
challenging and more rewarding. When I started
with TC World, it was clear to see the
opportunities were much better than anything I
had ever experienced in my previous role and I
was ready to take advantage of that.
3Nicholas Medland
Nicholas Medland Newcastle, Home Efficiency
Before joining TC World, Nick worked as a packer
in the online retail industry, where he was
promoted to manager at the age of 19. I
decided to take a year out to get some work
experience before continuing with my university
studies, which is when I came across TC World. I
felt I had really landed on my feet as I was at
university to learn how to run a company with no
guaranteed opportunity at the end, but TC World
offered me the opportunity to do what I had
always wanted to.
4Chelsea Bonner
Chelsea Bonner Newcastle, Location Administrator
Chelsea started working for TC World in October
2012. Before that, she had worked in a couple of
different industries but was looking for
something more a role in which she could gain
more responsibility and experience to help her
grow and build a career which she would be happy
5TC World Newcastle
- Arch 5, Westgate Road
- Newcastle NE1 1SA
- Tel No 0191 261 0879