Title: Induction Lamps - Efficient Lighting Choice
Matsushima Lighting (H.K.) Co., Ltd.
2Induction Lamps - For Efficient Lighting Choice
Induction lamps are made in the form of sealed
tube without electrodes yet it works more
efficient than other lamps like fluorescent and
electrode lamps.
3Highlighting Aspects of Electrode less Lamps
Induction lamps are suitable for lighting both
smaller as well as larger space and the choice of
brightness can be chosen based on the model and
size. These are energy efficient and cause no
4Lamps for Different Categories
MAT, an authorized distributor of Aqualux
lighting components also provides induction lamps
suitable for broad range of categories.
5Sources Illumined by Induction Lamp Solutions
Induction lamps stay energy efficient and durable
choice illuminating streets. They are also used
as down lights, flood light, low bay light,
amenity lights, etc.
6Special Features of Induction Lamps
These are exclusively designed and therefore stay
effective for the specific lighting purpose in
specific locations.
7Contact Us Matsushima Lighting (H.K.) Co.,
Ltd. Room 2020-22,No.1 Hung To Road Building,
Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong Phone 852 3582
7060 E-mail bobby_at_matsushima.hk
8Thank You Matsushima Lighting (H.K.) Co.,
Ltd. www.mat-lighting.com