Title: Unist Australia Pty Ltd. - Metal Forming Solutions
1Metal Forming Solutions
2- Contents
- About Us
- Metal Forming Solutions
- Uni Roller Type S
- Mini-Roller
- Powered Uni-Roller
- SPR-2000
- SPR-2000 JR
- Low Volume Spray Nozzle
- Contact
3Metal Forming Solutions Save Money by eliminating
excess stamping fluids. The patented uni-Roller
Systems will stop problems such as a messy press,
slippery floors, and stamped parts soaking in
coolant. We have solutions for material from 25mm
to over 1800mm wide. We have the answers for
metal formers struggling to apply fluid cost
effectively and consistently.
4- Metal Forming Solutions
- Uni-Roller Type S
- Applies the precise amount of lubrication to your
coil stock at line speeds greater than 100 ft.
per minute (30.5 m/minute). Patented design is an
unsurpassed solution for metal forming
applications when combined with a SPR-2000 or
SPR-2000-JR programmable fluid controller.
5- Metal Forming Solutions
- Mini-Roller
- Applies the correct amount of fluid for your
small press window and high-speed, short feed
length applications when combined with a
SPR-2000 or SPR-2000-JR. This 1 to 4 in. wide
(25 mm to 102 mm) unit consistently applies the
correct amount of fluid.
6- Metal Forming Solutions
- Powered Uni-Roller
- Applies exact amount of fluid needed to lubricate
blank stock when combined with a SPR-2000 or
SPR-2000-JR programmable fluid controller.
7- Metal Forming Solutions
- SPR-2000
- Programmable Fluid Controller provides
full-feature monitoring of critical parameters. - Controls with electronic precision and
consistency how much fluid flows to one or more
of these Unist systems Uni-Roller Type S,
Mini-Roller, Powered Uni-Roller and/or Spray
Nozzle Systems.
8- Metal Forming Solutions
- SPR-2000 JR
- Programmable Fluid Controller drives down costs
when only two outputs are required. - Saves money. Economically priced, the SPR-2000
JR controls fluid flow to one of these Unist
systems Uni-Roller Type S, Mini-Roller,
Powered Uni-Roller and/or Spray Nozzle Systems.
9- Metal Forming Solutions
- Low Volume Spray Nozzle
- When you need precise control of your lubrication
spray, the Unist Low Volume Spray Nozzle delivers
with a consistent and controlled spray pattern.
The air and fluid volumes are controlled
independently by precision needle valves allowing
you to fine tune the spray to your specific
10Contact Us
Unist Australia Pty Ltd. 7 Bendtree Way, Castle
Hill, NSW 2154, Australia? Ph no 02 8850
2022 johnbarker_at_unist.com.au www.unist.com.au