Title: Unist Australia Pty Ltd. - Solutions We Provide
1Solutions We Provide
2- Contents
- About Us
- Our Solutions
- Metal Cutting
- Cooltube Lubricants
- Metal Forming
- Wearpoint Lubrication
- Application Videos
- Contact
3About Us In 2006 Unist Australia Pty Ltd was
founded by John Barker, John had a previous
working relationship with Unist Inc. For over 20
years. Today Unist Australia covers the
territories of Australia and New Zealand and is
helping many progressive companies convert over
to Minimal Quantity Lubrication (MQL).
4Our Solutions
5- Our Solutions
- Metal Cutting
- There is the OLD way and then there is the NEW
way. The old way uses mineral oils mixed with
water which are then called metalworking fluids.
Unist Australia eliminates the OLD way (flood
coolant) and replaces it with a cost effective
6- Our Solutions
- Coolube Lubricants
- These days, going green is a concern for many
manufacturers and implementing Minimum Quantity
Lubrication (MQL) with Unist Coolube is an easy
step in that direction. MQL is the process of
applying minute amounts of high-quality lubricant
directly to the cutting tool/work piece interface
instead of using traditional flood coolants.
7- Our Solutions
- Metal Forming
- The patented uni-Roller Systems will stop
problems such as a messy press, slippery floors,
and stamped parts soaking in coolant. We have
solutions for material from 25mm to over 1800mm
wide. We have the answers for metal formers
struggling to apply fluid cost effectively and
8- Our Solutions
- Wearpoint Lubrication
- Approximately 50 percent of bearing failures and
60 percent of mechanical failures can be tracked
to inadequate or improper lubrication. Often
there are so many wearpoints to lubricate that
your standard maintenance procedures just cant
keep up with them all. But the price for not
maintaining them can take an unecessary toll on
your maintenance and repair budget.
9- Our Solutions
- Application Videos
- See Our Videos
- http//unist.com.au/solutions/application-gallery.
10Unist Australia Pty Ltd. Contact Today 7
Bendtree Way, Castle Hill, NSW 2154,
Australia? Ph no 02 8850 2022 johnbarker_at_unist.co
m.au www.unist.com.au
11Thank You