Title: Daren Vanderley (1)
1Daren VanderLey - An Ordinary College Freshman
2Daren Vanderley is pursuing Bachelor of Science
in Mechanical Engineering from Auburn University
Magna Cum Laude. This will be completed in May
2014. In Auburn University's campus, VanderLey
looks like an 18-year-old, ordinary college
freshman. He has a backpack full of books for
honors calculus, history, sociology and
chemistry. He's basking in the excitement of an
undefeated and highly-ranked Tigers football team
and has dug his heels into the atmosphere that
oozes across the Plains.
3Daren VanderLey - A Champion In Racing
- Daren DJ Vanderley has become a racing
champion, winning many big championships. He won
Junior Champ Kart Dirt Championship, JJ
Speedway, Grand Bay, AL in 1999 as well as 2001.
He won Junior Champ Kart Asphalt Championship at
Sunny South Raceway, Grand Bay, AL in 2001. In
2004 and 2005, he was INEX Legend Semi-Pro
Alabama State Champion. In 2010, he won Mobile
International Speedway Pro Late Model
Championship and Five Flags Speedway Pro Late
Model Championship.
4DJ Vanderley - Son Of Dan Vanderley
DJ Vanderley works in his father's company VDL
Fuel Systems and builds Holley Racing Carburetors
for all levels of racing across the country. He,
along with his father and the entire VDL team,
builds carburetors bolted to the top of the power
plant. They mass-produce carburetors for
everyone, and up to the customers' needs and
specifications. If you want to know more about
Vanderley, browse through the website