Title: Going the green way
1Going the green way
- Everywhere you see there is a new building coming
up. Development has taken the world by the storm
and it has brought a lot of changes to our
2The earths landscape has altered to such a great
extent that the same place would not be
recognized in ten years from now. These changes
have impacted the environment to a great extent.
3 You can see various damages that have actually
happened in the recent years. The global
warming, drought, pollution, climate change, and
waste accumulation are just few impacts of the
growth and development.
4An increasing population would mean more
accommodations, more jobs and more
infrastructure. This would mean encroaching on
forest land and expanding of the cities.
5This repeated expansion has led to reduction of
green cover all over. At the rate we are
growing, we would lose most of the natural
resources, biodiversity, and be victims of
various calamities in the coming years.
6People from all over the world are working to
avoid this disaster by developing various
Eco-friendly sustainable approaches in day-to-day
life. Any change beings at home.
7Hence to lead a sustainable life and contribute
towards saving environment. Energy it is
important to start adopting various Eco-friendly
components at your home.
8Sterling Developers Pvt Ltd, a prominent real
estate developer in Bangalore, are adopting
various energy saving. Eco-friendly features in
their ongoing project, Sterling Villa Grande.
9 From designing the villas around the existing
vegetation on the 39 acres land near Whitefield
to incorporating advanced technology the company
has used new concepts to work towards their
10Some of the major steps taken by Sterling
Developers towards energy conservation include
the installation of solar water heaters in each
villa this uses the renewable ever-available
energy source and further reduces the energy
costs for each resident.
11Every villa at Sterling Villa Grande is designed
to skillfully include rain water harvesting
systems. This system helps in conserving water
by collecting rain water and storing them in
12Sterling Developers have also taken up ground
water recharging initiatives to work towards
preserving our water resources. For safe
disposal of domestic waste and further maintain
the integrity of the surroundings.
13A Sewage Treatment Plant has been included in the
project. This uses activated sludge process with
extended aeration through diffused aeration to
treat waste.
14Various other efforts have been made towards
environmental conservation including retaining
the existing trees to conserve the local trees
and also maintain the green cover.
15Mostly Eco-friendly materials have been used in
the project to prevent future environmental
consequences. Sterling Villa Grande represents
a model housing project which furthers the cause
of energy efficiency and environmental safety.
16For More Such Updates Visit http//www.sterlingd