Title: Pro tips for going green in lab
1Pro Tips for Going Green in the Lab
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2- Running a laboratory can have a huge impact on
the environment. Going green is not as difficult
and expensive as it looks.- If you want to make
your lab eco-friendly, careful use of equipment
and taking small measures in the right direction
can reduce environmental endangerment and save
you money also. Here are a few pro tips that
will help you to plan, reduce, recycle and
- Recycle Glass, Paper and Plastic If you keep
well-labelled dustbins that read recycle bin
all around, you can train your staff to
categorize and dispose of.
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3- Organize the Freezer This is a simple tip that
goes a long way. If you keep it organized, you
can locate things faster and close the door
quickly, as a result of which your freezer will
consume lesser energy comparatively.- Reduce
Transport Carbon It is a good idea to plan in
advance about your transportation requirements.
If you have consignments to be received,
consolidate all your orders into one with a
particular supplier so that numbers of transport
trips are lessened- Choose Suppliers Carefully
Before finalizing your supplier, try to find out
the ones offering greener products and science
equipment. - Search for Environmental-friendly
Alternatives- Get Proactive in Making Your
Office a Greener SpaceBy reducing your
environmental footprint in the science, you are
doing a huge favour to nature!
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